ooh.. that's a hard one.. we have most of the palasades figures (not all, but, enough.. if we find more later, cool, if not..) and I've collected all sorts of stuff from thrift stores for years.. and, of course, we have our Kermit... but...
i have to say.. my most prized is either the picture I have of Miss Piggy and Danny Kaye (whom I also adore..) or... the Miss Piggy and Rowlf mugs that were given to me by a class mate in college who found them in a thrift store and thought I needed to have them...
(then, of course, there are the muppet-named dogs we have... Pepe, seen in my avatar, and now Gobo...)
then of course, there's the 3 or 8 copis of my favorite book, ever... the Monster at the end of this book, starring lavable, furry ole Grover....