your old muppet drawings

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I wasn't sure where this kind of thread belongs, so I put it in General Discussions (I thought about putting it in Fan Fiction and Fan Art, but then thought the title might be misleading).

After seeing the recent Tough Pigs contest where fans sent in drawings they made as kids (or was it current kids sending in their Muppet drawings), and seeing newer drawings done in the style of a kids drawing, making it look like kids drew obscure Muppet stuff, I have been wondering, have you all ever drawn pictures of the more obscure Muppets?

I have drawn several Muppet pictures over the years, but I started to draw lots of obscure characters and stuff around 1993 and beyond. Before that, my Muppet drawings were limited to the Muppets who appeared on Mupet Babies (in both kid and adult form) and the Sesame Street characters Big Bird, Snuffy, Oscar, Cookie Monster, Grover, Herry, Ernie, Bert, Placedo Flamingo, Hoots, Elmo, Gladys, Buster, and I think Biff, Sully, Guy Smiley, Simon Soundman, and Slimey.

Soon, I started drawing pictures of more and more obscure characters, including Doglion, Lips, Lew Zealand, Thog, Droop, Digit, Lindberg, the giant chicken from the Nancy Walker episode, and more. I don't know what happened to the majority of these drawings. I haven't seen many of them in years.

I remember drawing several pictures with large crowds of Muppets. I would often draw pictures inspired by certain scenes. For example, I drew a picture of that ending shot from the opening number from The Muppets Go to the Movies, and make drawings inspired by scenes from The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years (often putting in characters who weren't in the special, like Thog). I think I've drawn pictures remisncent of the carol singing scenes from A Muppet Family Christmas. I would also make drawings of the Muppets at the beach, or in a christmas setting, or playing basketball.

I also made my own Muppet books, drawing several pictures and writing things. Sometimes these books were just pictures. On New Years Eve, 1993, I made some sort of Muppet book, I can't even remember if it was specifically about new years (though I didn't write anything; it was just drawings). I didn't put any of the same characters in multiple pages. But I remember putting the following characters in it: Kermit (posed like he was posed in the song Get Along), Fozzie, Gonzo, Rizzo, Oscar, Big Bird, Snuffy, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Grover, Herry, Elmo, Bunsen, Beaker, Biff, Sully, The Swedish Chef, the Martians, Slimey, Bruno, Animal, Scooter, Rowlf, and I think the Fraggles, Sweetums, Thog, Dr. Teeth, Zoot, Lips, and Louis Kazagger.

I also made my own books based on The Muppet Movie, The Great Muppet Caper, The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Rock Music with the Muppets, Gonzo Presents Mupet Weird Stuff, It's the Muppets: More Muppets, Please! and attempted (but can't remember if I'd finished them) The Muppets Valentine Show, and The Muppet Show episodes with Milton Berle (which I'd titled "Fozzie's scarred") and Peter Selers (which I'd titled "Something Strange", referring to Bunsen's invention), and I think It's the Muppets: Meet the Muppets. More on these later.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I also made my own books based on The Muppet Movie, The Great Muppet Caper, The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Rock Music with the Muppets, Gonzo Presents Mupet Weird Stuff, It's the Muppets: More Muppets, Please! and attempted (but can't remember if I'd finished them) The Muppets Valentine Show, and The Muppet Show episodes with Milton Berle (which I'd titled "Fozzie's scarred") and Peter Selers (which I'd titled "Something Strange", referring to Bunsen's invention), and I think It's the Muppets: Meet the Muppets. More on these later.
Some notes about these. Back when I made these, I didn't really like drawing real humans, or humans that weren't based on fictitious humans (even then, most humans that I drew were Muppets who are meant to be human. When drawing Looney Tunes characters I'd rarely drew pictures of Elmer Fudd or Yosimite Sam). So those books were illustrated and written around the main human characters, with the exception of Ebeneezer Scrooge in MCC. For those Muppet Show episodes and complations I drew the settings of the appropriate scenes, but not the guets stars.

Here is how I remember making a book on The Muppet Movie. I remember not drawing the screening room scenes. I can't remember how everything went. For some pages I wrote in some stupid things, including things that didn't really have to do with the plot. As I didn't really like Miss Piggy during the time I mkade these, when drawing a Muppets Take Manhattan book I wrote in that Kermit got sick during the wedding, to give it a "happy" ending (at the time I didn't realise that the wedding was meant to be staged).

Anyway, here's what I remember aout my home-madeMuppet Movie book. It began with a drawing of Kermit in thes wamp, then Kermit on his bike, then Kermit on a construction vehicle (writing Kermit's line about frogs being able to hop, though a bit different, to the effect of "It's a good thing frogs can hop"), then Kermit meeting Fozzie, then a drawing of Kermit and Fozzie driving past the fork in the road, then I think a page with Big Bird, then I think Kermit and Fozzie meeting the Electric Mayhem, then Kermit and Fozzie meeting Gonzo and Camilla, then the characters going to Mad Man Mooney's car place (writing int hat the Muppets "went to a car place", and leaving out Mad Man Mooney and Sweetums), then the Muppets going to the fair (not drawing Miss Piggy but mentioning that "they met a pig", and for soem reason having Kermit lick an ice cream cone by stretching out his tongue), then Gonzo in the air with balloons, then Kermit meeting Rowlf (having Kermit say "hey", and Rowlf say "Hay is for horses!"), then two Kermit's in the dessert, then Kermit meeting Bunsen and Beaker, then Kermit with his cowboy hat and backed by the other Mupets, then I think the giant Animal appearing, and then soem drawigns from the scenes at the movie studio. I can't remember if I'd drawn anything similar to the big crowd scene at the end.

I swear, I am not making any of this up.

I remember when making my own book of The Muppet Christmas Carol, I'd drawn some of the early scenes, like Sprocket throwing a snowball and Droop mentioning his nose (at that point in time I'd only seen the movie twice, once in theaters and then rented from the video store, and thought Droop said "let go of my nose" instead of "what about my nose"). I'd like to note that at the time I wasn't too clear on who it was Droop was talking to, so I just drew Oscar, the only time I'd put any characters in these books who weren't in the actual productions. It might seem weird that I'd draw Oscar in a MCC book but not Scooter. I must have been a weird kid.

I have also traced pictures of the Muppets. When I got Muppet Hits, I traced some of the pictures from the booklet, including the big shot of the Muppets on stage, and the picture of the Muppets that was included alongside the lyrics to We Got Us.

I didn't draw Muppets very much during the time that Muppets Tonight was on TV, and when I did, I rarely drew any new Muppets Tonight characters. I think I started drawing such characters around the time of Muppets From Space, though it took me years before I first drew Johnny Fiama and Sal (and they are stil hard for me to draw).

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I don't really know how to scan and post images, but I thought I'd talk a bit about my drawings of certain characters.

Some characters are really easy to draw, including Kermit and Rowlf. I am sometiems bad at drawing Fozzie or Miss Piggy. I really like to draw Bunsen, Beaker, Lips, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, Thog, and Doglion, and most of them are easy. It's not too hard for me to draw Lips, but it is hard to draw the design on his shirt, so I usually either draw it blank, or don't make the design match like it really does. It's also hard for me to draw the design on Floyd's original shirt, so when I draw Floyd, it's usually in his season five/ Great Muppet Caper/ Muppets Take Manhattan outfit.

Some characters who are very hard for me to draw: Hilda, Trumpet Girl, Johnny Fiama, Sal, the Solid Foam drummer, Flash, Lindberg, J.P. Grosse, Fleet Scribbler, Luncheon Counter Monster, and sometimes Boppity, Gloat, and Snake Frackle.

Sgt Floyd

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Feb 5, 2006
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I have drawn all of the electric mayhem, a mutated scooter, a freaky kermit, and I attempted bunsen, but it just didnt look right. I dont know if I ever drew beaker. I drew floyd in his Muppet caper outfit. I attempted the normal design and was like...this is too complicated.

The hardest thing for me to do is draw eyes right. I can never really get them to look just right. I'm great at realistic hair, oddly

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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No, I think I had mentioned earlier that I don't think I still have any of my drawings, that I've talked about. I don't know if they were thrown away, or if they are just lost in storage, or what. And I don't know how to scan things.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Okay. Well that cool. Thanks for answering by the way!:smile: