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Your Life A-Z


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Fist of all thanks to @Muppetjente now let's do it:
B- Im a loner
D- Tea
E- Eyeliner
F- Black
G-Gummy Bears
H- Mazatlan, MX
I- Modern Family
K- None
L- Movies
M- I'm a kid (15)
N- 1
P- Being Kidnap
Q- "God knows how I've lasted living with this ******* in the house"
R- Fanfics (@Muppetjente)
S- Winter
T-I don't know who
U- I'm Mexican maybe, idk
V- Beef tomatoe
W- Being moody
X- My arm
Y- Lasagna
Z- Capricorn


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
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A: Available. Wink wink.
B: Sari, Beryl, and Miyako.
D: Milk.
E: Either my phone or my laptop. Or my guitar.
F: Pink!
G: Gummy worms.
H: I don't want anyone to be able to track me down.
I: I'm secretly a huge yaoi addict.
J: February. I get an excuse to eat lots of chocolate and no one can judge me.
K: I don't have any yet, but I've always liked the name Molly or Rose for a girl, and Michael or David for a boy.
L: Love.
M: I'll let you know as soon as I find a special one.
N: One annoying sister.
O: Apples all the way. Just the scent of oranges makes me nauseous. I don't mind orange flavored things, though.
P: Tarantulas, and being left alone for too long. I like alone time, but too much is scary.
Q: "Those who call themselves 'ugly' don't realize that someone out there thinks they're the most beautiful person in their eyes." -France, Hetalia
R: My wonderful friends and family.
S: Winter or Spring are my favorites.
T: @Eyeball @BeakerJanice @Janice+Floyd<3
U: I absolutely LOVE pandas.
V: Green peppers. Ugh, I despise those things.
W: I tend to pick my nose when I get really really nervous.
X: I broke my arm once. There were X-rays involved.
Y: Baby back ribs.
Z: Taurus!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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How have I not seen this thread before?

A: mentally dating a cartoon character single
B: my two cats!
C: cake
D: flavored water
E: my phone, which I'm using to type this right now
F: blue
G: I don't like gummy candies, they feel weird to chew...
H: I live in Michigan. Not saying where in Michigan, though, for privacy reasons.
I: junk food
J: January
K: I don't have any (I'M ONLY 15 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!), and I don't want any.
L: peace, love, and food.
M: you can't get married at age 15.
N: 1, my brother. 3, if you count my two sisters who live in Seattle.
O: apples (my favorite kinds are Honeycrisp, Gala, and Braeburn)
P: thunderstorms, certain insects, public speaking, getting cancer or any other deadly diseases
Q: too many to list here
R: there are way too many reasons... :wink:
S: Fall. It's not too hot (but not freezing, either), it's the season my birthday is in, there's beautiful leaves...
T: @Pig's Laundry, @1000 Eyes, @BradyBunchFan (PLEASE COME BACK!!!), @gavry3
U: I was born with a slight deformity in my left foot - one of my toes is bent forward a bit. But it's not serious and does not stop me from walking. Apparently my grandma was born with the very same deformity - in the exact same toe on the exact same foot!
V: there are lots of veggies that I don't care for... except for Veggietales, of course.
W: biting my nails, forgetting things, being lazy
X: my teeth, I might have had others but I can't remember
Y: pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries, lasagna, popcorn, ice cream
Z: Libra


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
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A: Single but not available :smile:
B: ''I don't need friends, they disappoint me.''
C: It depends. I like pumpkin pie and occasionally apple pie but I also like cheesecake. So both-ish.
D: Soft drinks or water with lemongrass in it (Mmm!) Or that Ginger Ale they handed out at the Kickstarter opening of the JH exhibit, that was some REAL ginger.
E: Computer or phone to catch up on the latest muppet stuff.
F: Kermit Green
G: Gummy Worms, they last longer.
H: My happy place.
I: um idk
J: What does it matter?
K: non existant so um yee
L: Jim Henson and his creations.
M: check A.
N: 2.
O: Depends on my mood.
P: Michael Jackson and Tiny Tim (the singer.)
Q: At the moment, check B.
R: Is there?
S: Summer, unless you're talking Sesame Street seasons.
T: @FunnyBear @1000 Eyes @JimAndFrank
U: Check B.
V: Celery.
W: Being a literal grouch.
X: Umm... My teeth?
Y: Chicken Noodle Soup.
Z: Virgo.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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A-Single, but not looking
B-My sister
H-Washington, DC
I-Don't know
K-One of furry variety named Snowball
M-Not married
Q-"'Cause baby, in the final analysis, love is power!"
S-Spring and Fall
T-I don't tag
U-I have a very bad temper
W-I pick at my fingernails
X-My foot

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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B-On here? Maybe @gavry3 but he's a *censored* so idk.
D-Root beer.
F-Jet and orange.
G-Gummy worms by far.
H-Melfa, VA. Why do you need this info btw? Huh, ya stalker?
I-Music and food.
K-My kids? I have none. And never will. Please get that straight, thanks?
P-Loud beeping noises like my ****ing alarm clock; heights; death and the afterlife; aggressive animals.
Q-"Yippie-ki-yay, mother****er."
S-Seasons in the Abyss.
T- @muppetgem @FunnyBear @JimAndFrank
U-I love pop music.
V-Potatoes, spinach, and cooked carrots are the first that spring to mind.
W-This is a family friendly website, so I'll stay silent...
X-None as far as I'm aware.
Y-Pasta dishes, pizza, and seafood (besides fish).


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Here's another one of those quiz memes floating around, where you have to describe your life from A-Z:

B-Best Friend?
C-Cake or Pie?
D-Drink Of Choice?
E-Essential Item You Use Everyday?
F-Favorite Color?
G-Gummy Bears Or Worms?
J-January Or February?
K-Kids & Their Names?
L-Life Is Incomplete Without?
M-Marriage Date?
N-Number Of Siblings?
O-Oranges Or Apples?
Q-Favorite Quote?
R-Reason to Smile?
T-Tag Three or Four People?
U-Unknown Fact About Me?
V-Vegetable you don't like?
W-Worst Habit?
X-X-rays You've Had?
Y-Your Favorite Food?
Z-Zodiac Sign?
I quoted D'Snowth's original post for reference.
A- You're adorable
B- You're so beautiful
C- You're a cutie full of charm
Oh wait, that's not what we're doing? Um...

A- Sorry Snowth, not interested. :wink:
B- I have a few friends. But not that many.
C- Depends on the kind.
D- Ginger ale
E- A paper and a pencil.
F- blue!
G- Gummi Bears are cute, gummi worms are gross :attitude:
H- Keller, TX
I- Drawing
J- February is much less depressing.
K- I don't have kids... or, at least I hope not.
L- Jesus.
M- Not yet.
N- three amazing siblings. So, i'm changing the answer I gave for B.
O- Oranges.
P- A fear of the Muppeteers being jerks, tornadoes, birds, etc.
Q- "One man's sh** is another man's Kermit" - Jim Henson
R- A peaceful house, a nice neighborhood, friends, dreams for the future (which not everyone my age has), so many things.
S- autumn
T- @newsmanfan, @ZeppoAndFriends , and @Muppet Master.
U- I like to sing, and think I sing okay, but i'm afraid to let other people hear me do it. :embarrassed:
V- beets, asparagus, spinach. I am a disgrace to Popeye. :stick_out_tongue:
W- Cutting random objects whenever I have scissors.
X- Never had one, but my little sister had one when she was a baby and got a hair clip caught in her throat.
Y- Homemade mac and cheese.
Z- Aries, I think?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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A - Single and right now enjoying it
B - Probably my friend Mike who was my college roommate during the time I was at Landmark College in my freshman year. We both have a very dark sense of humour. :big_grin:
C - Cake! "Hold napkin! HOLD NAPKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!"
D - Lemonade
E - My phone
F - Black. It makes everything look nice
G - Eh..... Worms I guess....
H - MA..... All I'm going to say.
I - Sleeping in
J - February cause January is just depressing
K - Yeah.... No.
L - Friends who support you
M - Paris. Oui oui
N - 1
O - I like both
P - Believe it or not..... Frogs. I get creeped out by those things. :eek:
Q - "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get...."
R - just enjoying life for how it is and not having to worry about other people's first world problems
S - Fall! :flirt:
T - @sesamemuppetfan, @Oscarfan, @Schfifty: you guys are all awesome and I'm honored to have met you all on YouTube many years ago
U - I do have a bit of anxiety, and honestly I'm trying to find ways to overcome it
V - easy. Califlower. :smirk:
W - overthinking, sometimes jumping to conclusions
X - my arm when I broke it at the age of 8. Sure wasn't fun
Y - Pizza!
Z - good ol' Saggitarius


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Oh hey.... I just noticed the tagging thing was for people who haven't done them yet.

Eh, whatever.