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Your Life A-Z


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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To be honest, I'm not sure how the tagging thing is supposed to work. I just saw people tagging people who already posted, and I assumed they were all "shout outs" to other users, not necessarily to make them post again or make another list. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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A- Single, may deem available someday, but working on myself at the moment.
B-Skylar, my dog.
D-Zevia soda, or orange/mango juice
E-My laptop, and my Kindle Fire.
G-Neither one is vegan, so I just like fruit leather.
H-Buffalo, NY
I-Funny Internet videos!
J-February, since it means winter is closer to being over!
K-I have no kids (my dog is like a kid, though, I guess), and don't particularly want them (I'm more the cool aunt type than the mom type)
L-Love, and hope.
M-Confirmed bachelorette, but if I get married, I'd like to get married in the late summer or early fall.
N-Four; all brothers (one older, three younger)
O-Apples (ones that are sweet, but also kind of sour, like Gala, McIntosh, or Pink Lady)
P-Spiders, heights, clowns (stop laughing, wise guys)
Q-"Activism is my rent for living on this planet" -Alice Walker
R- My dog, hope for a better life/world, and chocolate.
S- Summer, and fall.
T-@DrTooth, @Harleena, @Thecount (sorry if any of you have already been here)
U- I love to cook!
V - Peas. Blecch...
W- I belch too loud (learning to do it with my mouth closed would help)
X-My arm (when I was 4, and broke it) and my ankle (last summer, when I twisted it)
Y- Chocolate, bananas, broccoli, various tofu stir-fries, pizza (without cheese, and with vegan cheese)


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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A- both...?
B- I have lots of best buds on here and school. 2 of them are @Janice+Floyd<3 and @MuppetLuver2000
C- Cake
D- Pepsi
E- Kindle Fire
F- Rainbows!
G- Both!
H- I will not post this.
I- my what?
J- Feburary because it's the time for love for FloydXJanice fans!
K- Nope. Do fan-kids count?
L- The Electric Mayhem, man! My life ain't complete without them!
M- nope.
N- One sister.
O- Yellow apples and halo oranges
P- I have a fear of all bugs in the world.
Q- "Life is like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending." - Jim Henson.
R- The Electric Mayhem
S- Summer
T- @Janice+Floyd<3 @MuppetLuver2000 @Ladywarrior
U- I have other fandoms other than the Muppets. I love Slinky (Toy Story 1-3), Mac and (Chicken Run), Peck and Freddy (Back at the Barnyard), Princess Daisy, Peach and Rosalina (Nintendo), the Deadly 6 (Sega), Kagamine Rin and Len (Vocaloid), and Foxy, Toy Chica, Golden Freddy, and the Marionette (FNAF 1, 2, and 3)
V- I have a few. Spinach, beets
W- Trying to keep my cool when I'm always supposed to.
X- none
Y- Chicken and broccoli rice with broccoli on the top.
Z- Leo


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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I was tagged by @sesamemuppetfan Thanks for the shout ^^

A-I’m happily taken <3
B-I have two best friends, their names are Brittney and Christine.
C-Cake, preferably ice cream cake.
D-A nice merlot but, non-alcoholic I’d have to say a tie between an Arnold Palmer and a Shirley Temple.
E-Asthma inhaler
G-Gummy Worms, the sour kind only though.
I-Cosplay props and dolls that I collect.
J-February, I love Valentine’s Day!
K-No kids yet
L-Life is incomplete without music!
M-As my loving boyfriend explains, “I’m gonna marry her, I just don’t know when yet."
N-Zero siblings
P-I am terribly afraid of clowns and dying without leaving behind a legacy.
Q-“Life’s like a movie, write your own ending, keep believing, keep pretending.”
R-Music and song lyrics :smile:
S-I’d have to say Fall because that’s the only season my allergies don’t spike up in.
T-Uh...the tagging thing isn't working on my comp D:
U-I get very offended when people try and tell me that I’m not ‘latina enough’ because I’m so light-skinned; I’m of mixed race and I'll speak Spanish whenever I want to regardless of how I look, people need to get over that.
V-Kale, only because I had a very bad experience with a ‘health smoothie’ that contained 90% kale.
W-I let my nail polish chip off as it pleases and because of that, it looks like a 3-year old took a crayon to my nails more often than not.
X-Lungs/chest, ankle, knees, and head x-rays.
Y-Pop corn!
Z- Aries


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Yay I love things like this!

A- Spoken for!
B- My sistah from another mistah
C- Cake ^_^
D- Rootbeer or Grape Nehi
E- My handy-dandy pointer stick
F- Pink, but really, all of them
G- Bears
H- In the Bay Area
I- Chocolate and romantic comedies
J- February
K- None yet
L- My God
M- July 26, 2014
N- 1 brother, 1 sister
O- Oranges
P- The Easter Bunny, Spontaneous Combustion
Q- "But know this. You can cut me off from the civilized world. You can incarcerate me with two moronic cellmates. You can torture me with your thrice daily swill, but you cannot break the spirit of a Winchester. My voice shall be heard from this wilderness and I shall be delivered from this fetid and festering sewer." - Major Charles Emerson Winchester
R- I'm gonna be an auntie
S- Summmmer!
T- @Beauregard, @Erine81981,
U- I sing country and opera
V- beets
W- Throwing my dirty socks in a pile
X- Nothing interesting
Y- Mac n cheese
Z- Leo


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Country and opera? I can just imagine the look on Charles's face...



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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A-Available/Single - Both
B-Best Friend - I have several even tho i don't get to see them that much
D-Drink Of Choice - Sweet Tea
E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? - TV
F-Favorite Color - Green
G-Gummy Bears Or Worms - Both
H-Hometown - Still here Sweetwater Texas
I-Indulgence - Almost anything with Animated shows
J- February
K-Kids & Their Names -I have five nieces I want to say 3 nephews (complicated) and yes i know i don't have kids but these are pretty much my kids to me
L-Life Is Incomplete Without - Something fun to look forward to
M-Marriage Date -Nope not at any moment
N-Number Of Siblings - 1 my sister Tara
O-Oranges Or Apples - Apples, Oranges are ok but they give me heart burn sucks
P-Phobias/Fears - Hights and never getting my own place
Q-Favorite Quote - Scooby Dooby Doooooo!!! (Guess who)
R-Reason to Smile - My family, pets, friends and the people who I work with
S-Season - Spring, it's where everything start growing back
T-Tag Three or Four People - Since one of these guys or girl tagged me I'll tag back; @Beakerfan, @Beauregard, @D'Snowth, @Drtooth (and many others that i can't remember sorry)
U-Unknown Fact About Me - I just love to much stuff. I wish i could like at least 5 out of the millions i enjoy
V-Vegetable you don't like - Tomatoes, Lettuces, Olives etc. (I could go on for a long time)
W-Worst Habit - Saving money (but i'm working on it)
X-X-rays You've Had - Nope
Y-Your Favorite Food - Almost anything Noodles
Z-Zodiac Sign - Leo The Lion (Ha ha ha ha funny stuff)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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"Ah, countreh... the music of nasal-voiced bumpkins who sing incessentleh about they-ere broken hahts, and they-ere... trac-tehs..."


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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"Ah, countreh... the music of nasal-voiced bumpkins who sing incessentleh about they-ere broken hahts, and they-ere... trac-tehs..."
My favorite movie with Country Bumpkins is the squeal to "A Christmas Story" movie. They crack me up when he tries to push them out of the house till they start joining in the music. I just love it.