Got mine today.
Very pleased with him. The hair is a bit uncontrolable, but after him being out the box for just a few hours its already starting to droop and look more 'right'. The tongue seems a bit big? And I am also tempted to remove it so I can close the mouth, but not sure yet, happy with his pupils, but the white plastic on the brows bothers me a bit.
Overall, I am very pleased with him, and I was surprised how BiG he is!
I got number 307.
Be posting pics soon, once the hair has settled a bit more and I have time to do some poses, have some in mind already?
Its a real shame that the accesory packs have been cancelled, although I would rather the packs cancelled than the whole line, I need Gonzo, Piggy and Fozzie, to go with Animal and Kermit, any others beyond that will be a bonus.