-YMBAOMF if you got very excited when your dad told you he worked with a guy who's last name was Henson (I seriously believed he may have been related to Jim at first;turns out he wasn't)
-YMBAOMF if you played the video game, Diablo because the dungeons remind you of Labyrinth
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear about the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe without thinking of The Dark Crystal.
-YMBAOMF if you thought Sherlock Holmes's name was Sherlock Hemlock when you were little (that actually happened to me).
-YMBAOMF if you sing Rubber Ducky extremely loud every time you take a bath;annoying the heck out of your family in the process.
-YMBAOMF if the aliens called Gorgs from the movie Home made you think of Fraggle Rock.
-YMBAOMF if you had a Webkinz eagle plush that you named Sam when you were little (I really had one, but I don't think I called it that!)
-YMBAOMF if when your teacher asks you to do a report on a famous person, you make sure to do Jim Henson.
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear of the band Hoobastank without thinking it's a word in Hoob language.
-YMBAOMF if Lubbock Lou's Jughuggers got you into country music (again that applies to me).
-YMBAOMF if you REALLY want to see the Margaret Hamilton episode of Sesame Street.
-YMBAOMF if you are excited about Simon Soundman returning to SS.
-YMBAOMF if when you can't come up with an idea for a story, you bang your head on the keyboard like Don Music.
-YMBAOMF if every time you hear the song Allie Oop you picture a caveman singing it.
-YMBAOMF if you can't hear the song Staying Alive without thinking of Miss Piggy and the other pigs's version.
YMBAOMF if you see a bunch of extremely loud monkeys at the zoo and yell the Gallio Hoop-Hoop at the top of your lungs to try and communicate with them (I actually did that once!)
-YMBAOMF if you got excited over the name Emmett Otterton in Zootopia.
YMBAOMF if you get weirded out by hearing Gery Parkes say the F-word in the movie, The Boondocks Saints leaving you to think "Doc must be one foul guy when he doesn't live in a house with Fraggles,".
-YMBAOMF if you had a picture of Bozark from Animal Jam you cut out of a magazine and glued it to a toybox when you were a little (I really had one).
-YMBAOMF if you don't want to eat chips because your afraid a Flute Snatcher, Wheel Stealer, and Crown Grabber will get them.