I loved that episode! Even though I've only seen the first and the most recent Indiana Jones movie...
Cool- though as a true Indy fan, I must recommend you check out "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" as well- they're all great fun.
You're an obsessed Muppets fan if you're still shocked that Elmo didn't actually just sing "Jingle Bells" in the "Elmo's World: Happy Holidays" special, since he uses the tune in every single segment.
(Finally sat all the way through that special today- not being that huge of a fan of the Elmo's World model to begin with, it was a little tricky, but not too bad. Still, I much prefer pretty much any of the other Sesame Street Christmas specials. You just can't touch "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street". Though I will say this for the Elmo's World special- Oscar has a great joke in it and I really appreciated that Prairie Dawn actually directed a Christmas pageant about the birth of Jesus Christ in telling about the first Christmas. I wish they had pointed out that He came as the Savior of the world and not just a good teacher, but I suppose Sesame Street's only gonna go so far with that. It's still a lot better than other Christmas specials I've seen in that regard.)