There's an episode of South Park where Jimmy decides to have a comedy awards show, but none of the other kids at South Park feel a need for a comedy awards show and only come because the school actually requires it for some reason. And later several comedians are upset over the fact that there was one, thinking that comedy shouldn't be awarded. But why is this?
I feel comedies should get more award nominations and wins (well, I know that comedies often get emmy awards, and I think Golden Globe). I'm bothered by the fact that very few comedies get nominated for Oscars (the Best Animated Film being one of the few representations, and even then that category has less nominees than the average category).
And on another note, isn't it ironic how comedies get overlooked at the Oscar's, yet they are usually hosted by comedians and have plenty of comedy in the introductions and presentations?
Back to the South Park episode in question, since Jimmy was the only one who really wanted a comedy awards and (as far as I remember) they didn't exactly say if everybody had to vote, I wonder if Jimmy was the only one who voted (Jimmy won an award, he probably voted for himself, but what if he won because he was the only one who voted?). Of course Token seemed happy Tyler Perry won an award, so I guess he voted for Perry.