I'm still mad at how quickly CN's been cranking out these shows on DVD when it took forever to even get any season sets of any of their older shows... and even now, they've left us hanging with just one season each of Dexter, Johnny B., Courage, and two seasons of EEE.
The fact they cheaped out on the bonus features for everything but Johnny Bravo (which was awesome, making the other 2 sets a let down), and the fact that they chickened out on banned episodes (even Disney restored
one of the banned episodes of Talespin, and even WB restored the banned PPG episode
and the uncensored versions of the original shorts with the original name) made collectors
not want the DVD sets. So, technically, it's as much the fans fault as it is WB's. Besides... Johnny Bravo was good after season 1, but it wasn't
as good as season 1.
Regular Show and Adventure Time
only got season sets after multiple single disk compilations. The fans were
not happy. And Mad, even though it's a popular show, didn't get past the first season.
Is TUFF Puppy even on DVD? Nickelodeon seems to be hiding the show, because I've never seen any merchandise of it. Some of the episodes are available on this one iCarly DVD as a bonus, though.
There's the Christmas episode, but you had to have bought the Target Exclusive DVD of the Spongebob Christmas special.

Yeah, there's also a hard to find plush toy and 4 piece figure set that are both TRU exclusives. That's about it. Great to see that Nick is screwing with anything that isn't a live action tweencom and Spongebob.
very disappointed that they have to release TMNT in single disk sets. And I'm even more disappointed they didn't hammer out a deal with Shout to release any of the 2k3 series (that they now own) in season sets. No thanks to a falling out with 4Kids and Funimation, we only got the first season and a half (and Fast Forward and an out of order second half of season 4) in proper season set form.