I should also add that there's a few reasons I can think of as to why a CTW channel is unlikely to become a reality either: First of all CTW dosen't exist anymore, they've been Sesame Workshop for some time now, which is pretty wise since Sesame Street is the only show they're producing these days. And even when they were CTW back in the day, they weren't producing that many shows. You can count the total number of shows they were producing on the fingers of one hand: Sesame Street, The Electric Company, and 3-2-1 Contact. Thats all, AFAIK and three TV shows does not a channel make. And even if it did, it would still be a channel for kids and therefore it would be kind of hard to justify airing TV programs that were made for kids twenty to thirty years ago, particularly educational ones.
What I think is that somebody --it could be an organization or handful of individuals with the money, the means and the wherewithall to do so -- should come up with some kind of a channel geared toward retro and nostalgia buffs where they could fill there programming schedule with all kinds of classic TV shows like "M*A*S*H", "All In The Family", "The Brady Bunch", "Cheers" etc. AND then they could devote part of their programming line up towards children's programming INCLUDING the episodes of Sesame Street from 1969-89 Of course, they couldn't *call* them Sesame Street Unpaved since that's how Noggin presented them, but they'd still be the same shows. They could show these along with other old kids shows, including The Electric Company, 3-2-1 Contact essentially all of SW/CTW's past shows as well as other muppet featured shows like Fraggle Rock, The Muppet Show (though I'd call that an all ages show) as well as old kids shows that aren't necessarily educational. (I mean I wouldn't mind seeing the Smurfs and G.I Joe again
But the major difference between a channel like this and a kids channel like Noggin is that even though they would show kid's programs, they're first and foremost a channel devoted to retro and therefore they wouldn't have the same issues about showing kid's programs that might be considered 'dated', like SSUnpaved or TEC, unlike Noggin or any other channel which is intended primarily for children, especially one that exists for educational purposes. If today's kids watch and like them, then great. If they don't...no biggie since the channel's purpose is nostalgia and not kid's TV.
Worth some pretty serious consideration IMNSHO