You can also think of the different character groups...
"The Core Group" or the "Mainstays"
Henson: Kermit & Rowlf
Oz: Piggy & Fozzie
Goelz: Gonzo
Nelson: Camilla
Hunt: Scooter
Whitmire: Rizzo
"Electric Mayhem"
Henson: Dr. Teeth
Oz: Animal
Goelz: Zoot
Nelson: Floyd
Hunt: Janice
Whitmire: Lips
"Supporting players"
Henson: Waldorf, Swedish Chef, Newsman, Link Hogthrob
Oz: Sam Eagle, Marvin Suggs
Goelz: Bunsen, Beauregard
Nelson: Lew Zealand, Crazy Harry, Pops, Robin, Uncle Deadly (who was never featured in a Muppet film and I wonder why)
Hunt: Statler, Beaker, Sweetums