Drtooth , i really can not blame you for being mad about this , i just clicked on the link that you gave to the trailer , and i have to say , I CAN NOT BELIVE THAT THIS MOVIE IS BEING MADE , oh my gosh , they took a beautiful play with so much meaning on so many levels and just made a joke ! It is just like it makes me want to vomit and as you said there the fraggle rock movie is just siting in a drawer and that we probably, will not see in in our life time . I really hope that we will , but with crap like this going to be put into theaters , i just still can not belive .
I mean i will be honest , i have seen stupid cartoons before , but nothing as stupid as this , as jamie said i hope this is a joke , trailer but unforcanally we will problly see this in theatres but i tell you this i will not be paying money to see this crap in theatres , and i will surly not see it when it comes on my satlete movie stations i took 2 min off my life watching the crappy trailer and that was enough .