Why did this NEED to be made?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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From another thread entirely.

it doesn't deserve one. This has to be one of the worst cliche-riddled animted films I've seen advertised. Gnomeo & Juliet from Miramax. I'm sure Disney would want to dump the company for this film alone! Yucka!
Yeah... why am I getting an Italian animated Titanic Movie vibe from this piece of I can't even say what?

I'm gonna go throw up.


I'm so mortified, I'm speechless.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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Ugh. A. That's a terrible pun (terrible as in not good) and B. That's like home-video GCI quality, not motion-picture quality.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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it seems like something even the Dreamworks that made SharkTale and Father of the Pride in 2003 would be too mortified to make.

I swear, seeing that horrifying thing not only took 5 years off my life, but I don't really want them back for it either. There is NO CALL for a film like this to be made. Not now, not ever. They pull Katy Perry off of Sesame Street, but they can subject kids to THAT? I've lost all faith in humanity just seeing that.

I can tell no one's gonna die at the end of it, but really... if they did, the audience would cheer.

These stinking off brand studios. How I loathe them. On the plus side, I'd rather be forced, Clockwork Orange style, to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs than this... this... How I wish this was an adult site so I could express my true feelings.

Thanks for nothing for posting it Frogboy. I was perfectly happy NOT knowing such an abomination existed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, my my...Someone needs to take a chill pill. How, oh, how does that that movie affect your life or the lives of those around you? It doesn't! If you don't like it, don't watch it. No one SUBJECTED you to it. Goodness, calm down my friend. Even ol' Shake'y himself used to write parodies and comedies...Sure, it's rather dumbed down, but how is it so terrible that it invokes such feelings of bitterness and anger within a human being? Goodness, it's hardly earth shattering stuff, people!

Bea:zany:{Overreacting is my middle name, much?}regard


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, my my...Someone needs to take a chill pill. How, oh, how does that that movie affect your life or the lives of those around you? It doesn't! If you don't like it, don't watch it. No one SUBJECTED you to it. Goodness, calm down my friend. Even ol' Shake'y himself used to write parodies and comedies...Sure, it's rather dumbed down, but how is it so terrible that it invokes such feelings of bitterness and anger within a human being? Goodness, it's hardly earth shattering stuff, people!
I'm so sick of everyone saying that. When mindnumbingly bad stuff that shows the state of humanity's general stupidity gets vomited out of Hackywood's cesspool, built on the foundation of broken dreams, my Frogness, someone needs to speak out.

There are so many scripts going trough Holl-o-wood, and they toss some of the best ideas out and only buy up the dumbest of the dumb because they think every minus minded fool will jump on if the jokes are just stupid and overused enough. All it needs is a farting hip hop talking dog, and it's basically every terrible, generic kid's movie ever made in the past 20 years.

Think of it this way. We're probably NEVER EVER EVER get that Fraggle Rock movie. I'm sure that it's been in production much longer than it took them to stomp out a script, grab as many actors who would work for whatever they're paying, and make little coffee mugs of, and then get the film to theaters. And the FR movie still sits in the drawers, while Wienstine probably says... "Dude! We SOOOO gotta make a complete and utter ripoff of that!"

Sometimes ENOUGH is enough. There's only so much a human being can take. This is swill and you know it. A bad concept with a bad script and bad jokes... If a single critic says something even remotely positive about it, they're on the take. And to make matters worse, they're massacring a classic work (albeit an overused one). Shakespeare did NOTHING to anyone. Not even to deserve quite literally the worst thing I've ever seen. And that's putting it mildly. I hope everyone involved in this picture, even Michael Caine ( :cry: why did you have to take on the script? Why Why Why?) gets tried for crimes against humanity for making such a brain destroying idiotic throwaway of a picture.

That said, I no longer hate the Smurfs movie. After seeing that, it looks like Smurfance of Smurfrabia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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While i do enjoy what you say now and then Drtooth i gotta agree with Beauregard on this one

if you dont like it dont see it

yes its obvious its being made to compete with smurfs but whatever if its bad it will be bad if not just dont see it and let others enjoy it


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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While i do enjoy what you say now and then Drtooth i gotta agree with Beauregard on this one

if you dont like it dont see it
Oh, my five dollars at a bargain matinee is gonna make that much of a difference. :rolleyes: Really. At least let me howl at the moon once in a while.

It's not ME seeing it I'm worried about. Stuff like this gets made, and OTHER people see it making MORE of stuff like this getting made. I dunno about you, but I want to see the Fraggle Movie made in our lifetimes. It won't if producers get the idea the general public wants to see singing farting gnomes destroying classic literature. Hey, I don't watch reality TV. Everyone else does. And a large majority of everyone else's matter a lot more than the minority of "I'll just sit here and let them make more, just don't get me involved"'s. There is a gluttony of terrible CGI movies out there, and frankly, that doesn't make the entire medium look good. It reflects poorly even on Pixar, especially the most ignorant of movie goers that thinks CGI=Pixar... sort of like how kids think EVERY Muppet on Sesame Street is Elmo.

Overall, I hate the "don't like it don't see it, and don't complain" attitude. If people didn't complain you wouldn't have your precious Nostalgia Critic or Angry Video Game Nerd. But I doubt any critic isn't going to say the exact thing I'm saying verbatim... and they're PAID to be subject to this.

I'm sorry, but NO ONE deserves to see a clumsily stolen plot from a public domain tale (that somehow speaks volumes of cheapness and laziness), only with a happy ending where everyone dances around to popular music like every other single kiddy CGI movie there ever was. And no one deserves to unleash this on a public who will think it so cute they have to see it multiple times until a sequel is made.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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ick! everything about it screams ick! it's almost like a fake trailer. :grouchy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It almost seems like a parody of how bad these films have become. But it isn't. There is no defending this trash. And people say I'm being harsh about it.

It makes me actually want to BREAK other people's gnomes.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It almost seems like a parody of how bad these films have become. But it isn't. There is no defending this trash. And people say I'm being harsh about it.

It makes me actually want to BREAK other people's gnomes.
They managed to hire fine voice talent and a star to lend his music, but everything else bites.

Some people say the theatrical film medium is dead and some claim that traditional animation is dead, but what is for certain is that no gimmicky medium can withstand such paint-by-numbers cynical mediocrity.

It all comes down to a good story and good story tellers. This has neither.