Well, I don't know why, But I never quite got into Star Trek.. I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, it's just not my cup of mud! I did watch a lot of tng when I was 9, though...
Gettting back on topic, here's my problems with MT
1) Bay of Pigswatch and Pigs in Space TNG.. I mean, why create such dull characters as Spamala Lee and David Hasslehog? I mean Steve could have played Link Hogthrob on both... they just didn't have the chemestry of Link, Piggy, and Dr. Strangepork.
2) Frank's tendancy to come and go, since he is a director, means that his top characters were only available if (a another performer did them (B if he prerecorded, or (c they had small bits here and there.
3) Certain Characters were continued, some were not (Scooter, Janice, Dr. Teeth, and Rowlf were all reduced to B.G. characters.
4) Statler and Waldorf weren't at the theater... something about that didn't sit well with me.
5) darting timeslot. It was on fridays, but they decided to put on more episodes of the Unfunny "Boy meets world" show, and when they finally dropped it on Sundays, it was another hour of America's Funniest videos.. or as I'd like to call it, the TV show that wouldn't die....
But I must say, the best characters are becoming perminant fixtures in the Muppet Canon (not the one Gonzo likes to shoot himself out of, by the way)
Bobo: He was the best thing about MFS.... Jeffory Tambor had too much of the movie to himself, without Bobo, it wouldn't have been much good.
Pepe: He has such a cult following ahead of him.
Johhny and Sal: What can I say? Who else likes the idea of a Sinatra-esque singer with a goofy little Monkey side kick..