I just hope he hasn't left us. i mean,He's one of my favorite and most versitle performers. He can play young Gobo and Robin) old (Pops and Statler),male, female (ther'e a charactor I love called ths creaming girl, a whatnot muppet who has a loud annoying voice.), Crazy( Lew Zeland and Crazzy Harry) or hip (Flyod and Beard from JHH) or even compleaty and uttery wacky (The count, and basiclyy everyother character he's ever played.). Jerry has brought so much to the muppets i don't want to see him go. on IMDB,in all his credited performences , there are two that have nothing to do with the muppets (and those were just bit parts in films). I can't let him leave the muppets!