Is it a good thing, then, that I don't even know what YOLO is, or never even heard it before?
But then again, it could be me, because I'm not usually the conversation starter. Mainly because it seems like whenever I'm the one who starts the conversation, the other person is like, "I'm a little tied up at the moment", or "I'm in the middle of something right now", etc, so instead, I just let the other person start the conversation, that way, nobody's being interrupted in the middle of anything.
I can barely get anyone to just CHAT anymore. I've got a few YIM contacts, I chat with one good friend on a weekly basis, I'll hear from my best friend whenever she has freetime (because she's working like three jobs now)... everyone else I never hear from anymore.Does anyone talk to each other in person anymore?Can you imagine going up to someone and be like "How are you? Lol" "Oh I am fine, Lol" "Well Lol that is good to hear."
But then again, it could be me, because I'm not usually the conversation starter. Mainly because it seems like whenever I'm the one who starts the conversation, the other person is like, "I'm a little tied up at the moment", or "I'm in the middle of something right now", etc, so instead, I just let the other person start the conversation, that way, nobody's being interrupted in the middle of anything.