When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I think the part where Kermit sings "Rainbow Connection" is better representing!! But that's just me. I mean or show the part where Kermit confesses his feelings to Piggy that is more memorable!!! If you interviewing to them and are gonna show a clip from the movie. But I guess they don't want spoilers for people who haven't seen it yet. -_-

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Well, it; just that you've seen every Muppet trailer. They are not making these trailers for people like us, they're making them for people who haven't and haven't seen the movie. And you've got to admit. That scene is pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I know but it's still my right to rant. :stick_out_tongue: I never said the scene wasn't funny just kind of annoying seeing it being recycled more then glass bottles. -_-

Lola p

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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What is the deal with Walmart? I just got back, and i had the WORST service/treatment yet!

I asked for somthing that i had called eariler and asked if they had (I even gave the ID code) they said they had it in stock, but then they go and say that they do not carry the product....

So, after about 30 minutes, And talking to the manager, I FINALY got to give them the ID code to search the item, they let me buy it.

I Mean, really? I would have had a better attitude about it, but they were sitting there shushing me like a 2 year old Grumpy and out of apple juice!

I said, over and over again, "I have the ID code, If you just let me give it to you, it would speed it along."

The man replied: "Ma'am, There is no "ID code" just move along."

They then said that the person helping me was a newly hired worker, and that he was still tryng to get used to it.

I get that.

But, why put a newly hired worker out in a middle of a rush hour like period at walmart? (I was in THe ELectronics line, and there was literaly 15 people behind me)

So, In all, i am not ranting about the poor teenager working at the electronics department, but walmart. I REALLY feel bad for the poor guy...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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New rant:
People calling themselves Patriots (and often misquoting the so-called founders, though they never seem to add Rousseau or the European Enlightenment guys to that list, oddly) who don't know the first d--d thing about historical fact. A friend of mine recently had some idiot on Faceplant telling her that Jefferson was a Republican "just like her" -- and this person is one of the most religiously intolerant jerks I've ever seen. How is it that the concept of the evolution of political parties (with NAME changes associated) didn't get through? How is it that a reserved, polite deist is somehow equivalent to a hate-preacher?
I've been struggling with this forever. The past decade and 1/5th it's all about "You're only a patriot if you believe what we want you to believe." Under one guy, you're only a patriot if you completely and utterly agree with him and never say anything against him, under another guy you're only a patriot if you hate everything he stands for and want to undermine his authority at every turn. So, it's that easy to change the definition just like that because something doesn't fit into views. It's just yet another example of polarized sourness from a political system that creates egotistical loudmouth jerks like Bill Mahr and Ann Coulter (who are admittedly BFF, so what does that say) who only exist to sensationalize stories and say idiotic, loud, nasty things to get ratings. Ah, left wing and right wing Yellow Journalism. Proof evolution doesn't exist.

But here's my rant.

How come all these commercials aimed at older people HATE young people? I mean, those horrible commercials about older people enjoying cars.... we have three types that give me visible anime anger veins.

  • The one with the dorky girl that has a milliondy Facebook friends, and then says "I read an article about how older people are anti-social" and then shows how much better they are than some loser daughter who dares use new technology by riding bikes on cliffs and pretending to give 2 craps about nature (because, as health food advocates have forced down our throats, that's the ONLY definition of living).
  • The one where the son who had to move back in after college is upset that his parents don't do anything, but in reality they sneak off at night to... I forget, but I'm assured it involved riding bikes on cliffs. All implying how much of a loser the son who HAS to live at home is. Very classy, making fun of an entire generation of disillusioned adults who's dreams were crushed right before their eyes by the machinations of the older generation... who INSTILLED them with those very same delusions of grandeur.
  • And my personal favorite... the CHRISTMAS commercial where the son comes to visit them at CHRISTMAS, and the parents STEAL his car. Ah yes! Very Christmasy.... stealing your kid's car.
Then there's some "Consumer cellular" commercial where they basically spend the ENTIRE commercial railing on some kid with a smart phone, rolling their eyes and making snappy comebacks at him. Sure, he's just as bad as they are, cracking wise about how old they are... but nothing on a level of elderly woman on a bus getting bullied by tweenage Middle School thugs. And the kid basically comes off as a straw man for the ENTIRE younger generation, with the old people just WAITING to tear into the kid.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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How come all these commercials aimed at older people HATE young people? I mean, those horrible commercials about older people enjoying cars.... we have three types that give me visible anime anger veins.
Young people are easy targets for the ignorant, simple as that. People hold conceptions about young people based on a couple bad encounters, and BOOM! Generalization.

Generalizations do no one any good. I saw a story on the news at work today with a lead-in of "Do you know what your children are doing on the internet today? It will shock you!", and then after the break it revealed that most parents don't actually talk to their children about what they can and can't do on the internet. Well if you don't set rules you can't get mad about them getting broken!

Chances are, the same people throwing out generalizations now were on the receiving end of some when they were younger (those dirty long-haired hippies blah blah blah) and they probably didn't like them. So it befuddles me how people could forget that.

(Sorry if this went wildly off-topic but it's been on my mind.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I've been struggling with this forever. The past decade and 1/5th it's all about "You're only a patriot if you believe what we want you to believe." Under one guy, you're only a patriot if you completely and utterly agree with him and never say anything against him, under another guy you're only a patriot if you hate everything he stands for and want to undermine his authority at every turn. So, it's that easy to change the definition just like that because something doesn't fit into views. It's just yet another example of polarized sourness from a political system that creates egotistical loudmouth jerks like Bill Mahr and Ann Coulter (who are admittedly BFF, so what does that say) who only exist to sensationalize stories and say idiotic, loud, nasty things to get ratings. Ah, left wing and right wing Yellow Journalism. Proof evolution doesn't exist.

But here's my rant.

How come all these commercials aimed at older people HATE young people? I mean, those horrible commercials about older people enjoying cars.... we have three types that give me visible anime anger veins.

  • The one with the dorky girl that has a milliondy Facebook friends, and then says "I read an article about how older people are anti-social" and then shows how much better they are than some loser daughter who dares use new technology by riding bikes on cliffs and pretending to give 2 craps about nature (because, as health food advocates have forced down our throats, that's the ONLY definition of living).
  • The one where the son who had to move back in after college is upset that his parents don't do anything, but in reality they sneak off at night to... I forget, but I'm assured it involved riding bikes on cliffs. All implying how much of a loser the son who HAS to live at home is. Very classy, making fun of an entire generation of disillusioned adults who's dreams were crushed right before their eyes by the machinations of the older generation... who INSTILLED them with those very same delusions of grandeur.
  • And my personal favorite... the CHRISTMAS commercial where the son comes to visit them at CHRISTMAS, and the parents STEAL his car. Ah yes! Very Christmasy.... stealing your kid's car.
Then there's some "Consumer cellular" commercial where they basically spend the ENTIRE commercial railing on some kid with a smart phone, rolling their eyes and making snappy comebacks at him. Sure, he's just as bad as they are, cracking wise about how old they are... but nothing on a level of elderly woman on a bus getting bullied by tweenage Middle School thugs. And the kid basically comes off as a straw man for the ENTIRE younger generation, with the old people just WAITING to tear into the kid.
None of these commercials sound remotely familiar.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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The Facebook commerical I think I've seen before I don't know that I've seen the others he mentioned.

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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I'm a huge fan of classic movies and TV shows. And while I suppose I can understand why these days people may prefer not to watch 'the classics', I still hate when people automatically assume a 'classic' is bad before actually seeing it. Usually, the argument given is, "I don't want to watch that because it's old", or "I can't stand black and white". To me, such arguments are more invalid than understandable. After all, you can't judge a book by its cover.