My exact issue.
Just that one site, and just with that specific ad series. I think there may have been one other time, but ... words can't describe the horror of having to sit through those
freaking commercials in a fruitless effort to get to the video... aw heck... I'll rant about those.
First is this one where the joke is some tough redneck stereotype looking guy is holding some overly fluffy dog and calling him "Mr. Tickles" and saying "cattywumpus." Hilarious...
Then there's this one where the joke is Napoleon and some 50's era painting of a woman standing next to a car sing "She'll be coming Round the Mountain." Really... that's the joke. They sing "She'll be coming Round the Mountain." Get it? Because it's a song that has horses in one of the verses and the picture of Napoleon is riding a horse?
Then there's a dark one where some Victorian era picture of a boy answers a question wrong about how much Geico can save you, and this weird caricature of Sigmund Freud sics pterodactyls on him. Now, this one
could have been funny in a Family Guy Cutscene or something sort of way... but to give you an idea how amazingly bad they botched these commercials up, this comes of
far more disturbing. If they were trying for dark humor, they got it half right. Just not the humor part.
And there's also some stupid one that involves a "Hang in there" Cat poster which is completely unremarkable.
Now, I've seen bad commercials before. The Axe ad with the horrifying Chocolate man, the lame attempt at self deprecating humor from Head-On! (side note, the only time I respect someone shouting Head-On! is the opening of Transformers's actually really catchy), and I swear there was a commercial who's jingle was "Wellpatch, it brings you back to Wellpatch" which makes no freaking sense at all and someone was paid to write. Even the insufferable ads for the different stuffed animals that do something (Worst one yet, Glow Pets).... NONE of them compare to how completely pee poor these Geico ads are. They're
the worst commercials I have ever seen period and whoever made them
should be blacklisted from the advertising business.