I'm not famous for anything, but I have a VERY minor responsibility for the general decline in quality entertainment in the US today. I was one of the founding members of the Washing Well Wenches that do Ren Faires around the country. I've therefore been in local papers around the country being thrown in icy tubs of water, singing bawdy Renaissance songs complete with hand gestures and doing various rude things that still make my mother cringe.
I worked in FL, Michigan and Colorado, but stopped to breed.
I just stopped doing BARF (my local show in Largo, FL) last year after 16 years of tights, bodices, and kickin' live stage combat.
My best brush with greatness was when, as a 5 year old, I asked Jimmy Carter for his autograph. He refused, saying "Sorry Honey, the Secret Service won't let me."
Later that evening, his wife saw me crying in a corner. She asked what was wrong, and I explained it was her husband's fault. She got my address and mailed autographs to me.