So, here I am again, to share the Muppet-related stuff that I brought throughout the previous month. The only difference is that this time I won't make it as detailed as my June entry, and I won't mention any non-Henson related items I brought along the way. Alright enough babbling and let's go! It was 3 weeks ago. On Monday (July 9), I was at the mall with my mom and one of my younger sisters. At one point we went to Sears, because I of course wanted to check the Men's shirts for anything worth buying. Sure enough, in the clearance section, I found the Kermit "Awesome-meter" shirt that used to be at Target 2 years ago, so of course I decided to purchase that. Then I looked in the section where shirts were for sale, and I found a shirt similar to this one: but the one they had there (which I ended up purchasing) had just Grover, Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Oscar. 3 days later, we went to this antique store near my the dentist that my family and I go to. At one point, either my mom or sister told me to "look over there!". So I turned around and found a shelf with Vintage SS Merchandise (mainly figurines), that also had a few Muppet stuff (as well as MB and FR) surrounding it all. When I took a look at that shelf, I reacted very much like Walter did at multiple points in "The Muppets" so I was of course in 7th heaven when I saw that shelf. As you can imagine, it was NOT very easy deciding on what to purchase, but in the end, I decided to buy this very nice cup, which costed a lot less than it does here: Street cup&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=ZZ&ga_min=0&ga_max=0&ga_search_type=all Otherwise, this concludes my 2nd monthly recap of Henson-related things I bought, and I will back next month or so for my third Muppet-buying recap.