What made you think today?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Would BEE MOVIE essentially be Jerry Seinfeld's ROVER DANGERFIELD?

I mean, where ROVER DANGERFIELD was obviously a vanity project for Rodney basically depicting him as an animated dog, BEE MOVIE is pretty much the same thing: a vanity project for Jerry Seinfeld depicting him as a CGI bee.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Honestly, with the fact that Apu is being taken off the Simpsons after so long, I was thinking of just how pussified this country has became within this decade.

Seriously, this **** was going on for a long time, and now it's finally caught up because it's 2018, where you have to watch what you say so the little crybabies don't need their safe spaces.
I fully agree with you. All this "Problem With Apu" business has me bugging me a lot too. There are plenty of Indian viewers out there who think Apu is awesome, you can't just forget about them.

That's part of the reason why I like Family Guy so much, it's one of the few things on television in 2018 that isn't afraid to say politically incorrect things. The writers of that show aren't afraid to touch upon certain topics just because others may find it offensive. I dare you to think of one sensitive subject matter the show hasn't joked around about at least once during it's long run. Unfortunately however, stuff like that is becoming rarer and rarer as time goes on.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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You know what I was thinking?

In regards to that overused insult "snowflake"..... To me, no matter how dark your sense of humor is, or how tough your skin is, we have at least one thing that makes us go into "snowflake" mode.
Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. My sense of humor is downright twisted most of the time, I don't get offended when people make fun of groups that I'm apart of whether it be Christians, people with Asperger's, Americans, white people, people from the country, teenagers, millennials, nerds, cat lovers, country music fans, homeschoolers, environmentalists, gamers, any of the fandoms I'm a part of, etc.

But do NOT under any circumstances, make fun of my waifu Giggles. I dare you!

Now that on the other hand is going too far. I don't really care, make fun if her you want. I'm just kidding btw. She's a chipmunk without a tail, that biological error in of itself deserves to be mocked lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Neither is Coco, Jerry. And even if she was, she wouldn't want anything to do with a salty white guy like you! :stick_out_tongue:

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Me in 2018 is pretty much a completely different person than me a couple years ago. Think about it:

-I'm no longer extremely religious. I'm still a Christian but now I consider my self more "spiritual" than anything else meaning that I'm not completely obsessed with my faith like I once was and would be opened to learning new ideas and philosophies if I ever felt the need to.

-I don't make videos anymore. I still make some of those animated Animutation videos but I've basically retired my original YouTube characters like Zed Buckmaster, Ching-Ching, Richie Cinnamon, etc. indefinitely now. By the way even if I do decide to reboot my videos, I'm not going to bring back the Ching-Ching character now that I realize that the term "ching-chong" can be used a derogatory slur for Asian people. Ching-Ching is literally only one letter off from that word.

-While Teen Titans Go used to be my all time favorite series, I now agree with basically everyone else that the show needs to end. I just can't find any humor in the word waffles being repeated over and over again or an episode that within 3 seconds starts with a juvenile musical number called "The Pee-Pee Dance".

-I don't cuss or make crude jokes anymore. Well, I do occasionally in real life but I now try to leave those types of things off this site.

-Despite the fact that I used to be a diehard fanatic of it, I now consider Robot Chicken to be one of the worst shows of all time.

-I still watch Family Guy every couple of months or so, but I'm about as far from as obsessed with the show as it gets (if you all remember, I used to be obsessed with Family Guy).

-I am not depressed like I formerly was. From 2015-2017, I was battling a severe case of depression that has now been destroyed in favor of happiness and optimistic hope for the future thanks to support from my loving family.

-I am not completely girl crazy anymore. My only cartoon crush is on Giggles whereas I used to have close to 100 different crushes at the same time.

-Remember how I used to say that the Alice Cooper episode was my least favorite Muppet Show episode of all time because of how it scared me when I was a kid? Well, now I've met Alice in person at a Comic-Con. He's actually a nice guy and I now feel kinda bad for constantly trashing on him in the past.

-I don't have only one genre of music in indulge in anymore. I used to like almost exclusively country music alone but now I often branch out and listen to things like rock, pop, rap, '80s pop music, and so on all the time.

-The large majority of my favorites TV shows listed in the "Favorite Non-Henson TV Shows" thread were cartoons a couple years back. Now I like majority live action and cartoons are a minority on the list of my favorite shows currently.

-Overall, I now prefer sci-fi/fantasy/horror/superhero-type stuff over comedy for the most part.

-Whenever I was asked who my favorite singer is in 2016-2017, my answer was always the same:John Mellencamp. Now I think it's probably Kid Rock (I don't agree with his political views at all but I'm a serious fan of his music, both the original rap songs and also the later country/rock-type stuff he puts out now)

I was seriously shocked when I sat back and thought of how much I've grown as a person within two years. From simple opinions about pop culture to extremely important things like getting over the struggles of depression that once had it's claws dug deep into me, I really do feel amazed about how much my attitude towards most everything in life has changed for the better in such a seemingly short timespan.