My old YouTube Poops, animations, and live-action videos. I can't really stand to watch them anymore. Mostly because they had plenty of dated pop culture references (now I use mostly retro stuff anyway), every other word is a bleep, and also the overuse of immature fart/poop humor in my old videos is to an extreme point where I can't hardly stomach the jokes much less laugh at them. Some of the scenes went WAY too far such as vomiting in peoples's mouths and ears, eating poop, turds blowing up, etc. etc. just stuff that my 12-year-old mind found hilarious but now I find to be completely immature and insulting to my intelligence. I was 9 when I was started making videos so a lot of them were just sickening looking back on them, and I like Happy Tree Friends, Family Guy, and Jackazz so that's saying something!