What Disney Needs to do....


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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well disney is working on something but it's hush hush it says so over @ the muppet news flash so I'm gonna stop saying they aren't doing anything because the Henson company even said they are working on something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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If they ARE doing something, it better not be another French TV show or unsellable pilot. Let's just say that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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If they ARE doing something, it better not be another French TV show or unsellable pilot. Let's just say that.
Well if Brian Henson says they are up to somethign really cool I'll take his word for it and leave it to that untill around late 2008 then I'm going back to my Disney isn't doing anything attitude.:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
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If they ARE doing something, it better not be another French TV show or unsellable pilot. Let's just say that.
I completely forgot about Muppets TV in France. Have they done anything new? Or was it a one-season thing?

Medbe Monster

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2005
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Disney needs to get the music rights and re-Release an Uncut version of Muppet Family Christmas, I'd love to see Disney to have Re-Runs of TMS, MB and The Muppets tonight. It seems like Disney isn't doing much for the Muppets, but they need to really try and pull off at least something that'll blow every Muppet Fans Mind.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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After going through some episodes of the muppet show, it seems my favorite moments don't really involve the main cast or even jokes. A lot of what I love involves generic muppets doing creative and artsy stuff such as Java, Mahnah Manah, Sax and Violence, Glow Worm, Hugga Wugga, and so on. To me, this is what Disney needs to start doing. They need to do skits like that that are abstract and fun and creative. They can throw them up on web sites or as shorts on the disney channel or go on talk shows and maybe SNL and do them. That will make the muppets cool again I think. It'll be new and fresh as opposed to the same jokes from Kermit. Nothing against Kermit, but how many frog jokes can there be that work on talk shows?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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yeah see I agree 100% mwaoO but that was more jim than the muppets really if that makes any sence.
Those are my favorite moments also but watching the season sets I've gained allot of lvoe for the regular cast I've been slowly buying the time life dvd's also and as the seasons went on there wasnt as much of the artsy things people like us enjoy but it seems the regular cast really had something going.
I'd love to see all the wacky aliens, monsters, random pigs chickens and whatevers again but I really don't see that happening again any time soon with Disneys Muppets.
If you want things like that you're better off watching Puppet Up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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just my 2 cents about muppet babies.. I actually have 2 of the old VHS sets they released aeons ago... 2 episodes each... my 9 yr old step daughter loves watching them. There is an audience for them and it's not just a toddler demographic, either. I would really love to have more of them for her to watch. We've been watching them together since she was 4 and it was a great way for us to talk about ideas like sharing and meeting new people (Her mom moved to a different state shortly after her father and I were married and she was facing having to move and make all new friends, and that can be scary when you're 4..)
And I've no idea where all these 12 yr olds are getting their money... over indulgent parents.. I certainly never had any money when I was 12.. and my 9 and 13 yr old step daughters certainly don't get big allowances..

And we do not have cable, dish, direct tv.. etc.. none of it... just the plain ole local pick up on the antenna stations... And a good deal of what's on those are NOT ALLOWED programs, cuz we really don't need that stuff being piped into the house... We do, however, have a fairly decent video collection. We have been collecting the TV programs that we enjoyed growing up as they have become available on DVD, and have a bunch of others on old VHS's that really need replaced, but haven't been released yet (heh like every episode of MT! hehehe) all things Muppet, Dionsaurs, Fraggle, etc are a must have part of our collection.. along with things like Brisco County, B5, X-Files, Cowboy Bebop, history programs, stuff from PBS, etc etc...
These are the things that get watched at our house. And we're not alone, I can name at least 3 other families in my neighborhood who are doing the same sort of thing.
All of these companies need to start realizing that there is a huge underground in America that is NOT happy with what's offered on TV and that is reacting to it by simply turning it off (or limiting it to pre approved videos) and that little underground is growing pretty quickly as we all look around and see "what has become" of TV and our society and "kids today".
There is a big difference between what is allowed at the girls' mom's house and what's allowed at ours.. and a big difference in their behaviours, too


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I couldn't agree with you more, but I don't think it's a decency issue about television, just a low quality issue all around. Our kids' shows now (with some exceptions) are slow, inane and all following the bad example of Dora the Explora and Blue's clues, trying to make a lifeless medium interactive. nothing wrong with having Elmo break the forth wall and talking to kids. But none of this talking really loud and slow trying to get kids to shout the answer back at the TV. This pretty much sums up how I feel

And the "adult" shows that are just so terrible, I can't even single any out. Just for Laughs? It's like the televised equivillant of playing Peek a Boo with adults. And don't get me started on daytime television.

There are a lot of us (myself especially) who are annoyed with the horrid quality of television. I just watch Simpsons, Family Guy, the Office, and Earl. Plus TMNT and The Batman. All the rest of it is the same CSI knockoff or something. It's frustraiting. Especially for those of us who want to work in this feild.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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It's true, we're so obsessed with new technology and flat screens etc, meanwhile content has been suffering for quite a few years now. I don't think this is the first time it's happened though. In the '50s everyone was obsessed with brand new TECHICOLOR. Meanwhile the movies were nothing, just throwaways (of course that was also because of the Communist witch hunt getting rid of half the artists, but that's another story!). Anyway, I think this is just another rut. Hopefully new blood will eventually start to come up and makes things better again. Of course I don't mean just sitting around and waiting for improvments. It's important to let companies know how you feel and maybe even concern developing ideas of your own. :smile: