Name: Cory You
DOB: February 8th, 1978
marital status: single, but my future hot geek/nerdy wife is out there!
occupation: graphic designer, comic artist
hobbies: I am a cartoonist/comic creator( )
with dreams of having a hit cult animated show with merch sold at Hot Topic
and young people referencing lines from said show.
I have a comedy electronic band, where we sing about video games, anime,
shopping and random stuff, as well as perform shows( )
I am a massive film fan(anything from indie films, foreign movies, big blockbuster action flicks, documentaries, offbeat comedies, etc)
I love electronic music, animation, anime/manga, comic books, old school
video games, giant robots, explorative thinking and creative writing,
politics, silly randomness, philoshophy, art, making stuff, etc.
Oh and I consider myself one of the world's biggest Muppet/JHC fans
religion: love: I believe in the creator/God, and that love and common sense
as well as balance is a good place to start in life. And laughter.
fave food: mexican, pizza, waffles, mangos, soy, tofu, pocky
fave drink: juice, of any kind
motto: never under estimate the power of the sandwich
What brought you here: My fervent zealous love of all things Muppety
Anything else:
Well, I hope EVERYONE here can take the small steps toward achieving their dreams and goals in life.
My three big wishes are to meet and marry my soul mate some day, whoever she is out have my own animated series online/tv/or dvd with wacky merchandise and figures, and to make a movie based on my scripts.
I also hope there can be a new Muppetfest, or muppet gathering so all us silly creatures can meet up.