What are your favorite number segments?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The Count already did this with the letter of the day segments, so now I'm doing the same thing with the number of the day skits. To start off, here are my faves.
* From Soup to 0.
* 1 Flew Over Cookoo's Nest
* 2,2,2, me and U
* 3 Monsters (Grover, Blue Nosed-Herry, and a little pink monster we call Billy)
* 4 Pinball Segment (I can't remember any others)
* 5 People in my Family
* 6 Pinball Segment (")
* Alligator King and his 7 Sons
* All 8 segments, cuz 8's m'favorite number.
* Under water there's a 9
* 10 Tiny T's
* 11 Campers
* 12 Ladybugs came to the Ladybug Picnic
* 13 on the Computer (where the little girl matches a 13)
* 14 In the City (where the number would come out from the ground all over the city)
* It's hard to be 15.
* 16 Blues
* No favorite 17 segments
* 18 Sandwiches
I have no favorites for 19 or 20.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Here are my favorites.

Oh, and some of them may be forgotten favorites not seen for a loooong time.

0: Now I've got 0 in my Bowl. A song where there was different items in a bowl and different animals ate them up. And there's a second version where Miss A.M. Goat appeared at the end of the song to protest in the name of all dairy goats that all goats would eat a pair of sneakers, only to have her efforts frustrated by a pair of other goats munching on some tins.
0: Any sketch with Luis as Señor Zero, a spoof of Zorro.
1: The song sung by Johnny Cash about a western counter who kept counting 1 featuring Big Bird, the Count, and Countess Dahling von Dahling.
1: A pageant where female number Muppets from 10 to 1 counted off backwards so that the number 1 could sing a song at the end. And these female number Muppets had their outlines dotted by small blinking stagelike lightbulbs.
2: Dollhouse, an old live film song about two girls playing with their dolls.
3: The Amazing 3 Song, sung by the cartoon fiddler guy.
4: The classic version of I Just Adore 4 sung by Big Bird and three AM's.
5: The cartoon where a guy finds five apples inside a glass 5 and keeps eating the apples until they keep subtracting and end up in large glass numbers until there are 0 apples.
5: Bat-Five, an old song from SS.
5: The cartoon where five kids keep giving a sick friend five different flowers, until he tells them that he's allergic to flowers.
5: An old live film segment where five showgirls push each other overboard subtracting themselves ending up with 0.
6: Six Snails, a song by the fiddler guy.
7: The Alligator King, the classic version.
8: So many sketches, where to begin! Eight Beautiful Notes, sung by the Count.
Eight Balls fo Fur, sung by Chris of Chris and the Alphabeats.
The Penny Candyman.
The King of Eight.
Lefty Sells Ernie an 8.
Pieces of Eight, where I think it was Paula Poundstone dressed up as a pirate, Big Bird and some kids take a few golden puzzle pieces and place them on the pavement in front of what's now Gina's offices forming a golden 8.
9: The Martian Beauty.
9: Naughty Number Nine, not from SS, it's from School House Rock, but that's one that's always been in the back of my mind from when I had better sight. That cloudy 9 following the unlucky cat like that, major spooky.
9: I'm on Cloud 9, sung by the Count.
10: Ten Tiny Turtles, in it's complete format, is my all-time favorite.
10: Count It Higher, sung by Chris and the Alphabeats.
11: The sketch with the Catherine O'Hara Muppet who gets her entire scene tilted upside-down to show that the 11 drawn on the chalkboard can be read perfectly.
11: The episode with the giant 11.
12: The Ladybug's Picnic is my second all-time favorite.
13: The episode where it keeps storming with thunderclaps everytime Telly says the number 13.
13: Thirteen, You're my Lucky Number, an animated song sung by a cowboy mouse.
14: Fourteen Ducklings were Baked in a Pie.
15: It's Not Easy Being 15.
16: 16 Blues.
17: Number 17 Rap.
18: Eighteen Sandwiches.
19: Number 19 Rap.
20: Whenever any of the counting scenes count up all the way to 20, the best one of these is the one where the numbers are seen in the waters of a Hawaiian isle and they keep changing though I'm not sure if that stopped at 20 or 40. Another classic one is the counting scene that goes up to 20 where the numbers keep getting destroyed or accidentally broken, like when an animated version of Cookie Monster eats the number 14.
21: The Story of Numberella.
21: Ernie's Poem about the number 21.

And finally, the Song of the Count which could count for the number 1!
Oh, and the bird's name is "cuckoo".
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2003
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My fave number segments

My favorites are:

0 - Anything with this number involving Cookie Monster
1 - "1 Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Monsterpiece Theater
"Do you want 1?" Harvey Kneeslapper
2 - "2 Kids Lost In the Lobby" Cartoon Bellhop (Actually I hated all the Bellhop segments, but it's amusing to look back on all the ones I remember with him in it 'cause I was so scared of him.)
3 - "3 Cars" computer animated (from the '80s)
4 - "I Just Adore 4" Big Bird
5 - "The Story of Freddy the 5" a cartoon from the '70s
6 - "Six Soccer Socks" cartoon/song
7 - "7 Owls" old cartoon from the '70s
"Alligator King"
8 - "8 Suitcases" Cartoon Bellhop
9 - can't remember anything for this number
10 - the Vietka dolls film w/ 10 Vietka dolls. I LOOOOOOOVED this one (actually, this is one of those things where they count forwards and backwards from 10, but its the only "10 segment" I remember)
11 - Cartoon from the '70s where a singing group counts to 11 and all the numbers are in squares (similar to the "Pinball Number Count" segments)
12 - Pinball number count for this number
13 - "13 Hamburgers" computer animated (from late '80s or early '90s)
14 - one of the "number animations" where they count to some number between 13 and 20 (in this one, the number 14 gets soaked up by water and it turns from being plain red, to red w/white stripes)
15 and 16 - can't remember anything for these numbers
17 - "17 Hats" computer animated (from late '80s or early '90s)
18 - can't remember anything for this number
19 - "19 In Space" computer animated (from early '90s)
20 - a number animation where they're counting up to this number and the numbers turn into animals
39 - "The 39 Stairs" Monsterpiece Theater
40 - "Star Light Star Bright" with 40 stars
54 - "The Lambaba" (the Count counts 54 lambs in this one)
That's all I can think of for now



Active Member
Aug 20, 2003
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2: I've got two (eyes, ears, etc) (Gordon, Susan, Hooper, Bob, Bird, Oscar)
5: "Five People in my Family" (Anything)
7: "The Aligator King"
11: "It's a lovey eleven morning"
12: Ladybug picnic

"And that's the song of (1,2,3 etc)"


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2003
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Re: "I've Got Two"

zrs70 said:
2: I've got two (eyes, ears, etc) (Gordon, Susan, Hooper, Bob, Bird, Oscar)
5: "Five People in my Family" (Anything)
7: "The Aligator King"
11: "It's a lovey eleven morning"
12: Ladybug picnic

"And that's the song of (1,2,3 etc)"
Isn't "I've Got Two" with Bert and Ernie? I thought it was.


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, you can check out who's credited as singing the song "I've Got Two!" by reading the track listings for the upcoming SS 3-disc CD box set in the top thread here at MC's Sesame Street section in the forums.

Man, so many I forgot about!
What about Super Two and Jive Five for you 70's fans?
I remember Freddy 5 and the search for his older brother.
The Count and Ernie count phone rings up to 5 before Ernie answers the telephone.
My Favorite Number's 6 as sung by Bert.
The song which is correctly called "It's a Lovely 11 O'Clock Morning."
The 11 squares song.
Hey, if you've got the 13 hamburgers and 17 derby hats, what about the 19 fish eggs and 20 chicken eggs which hatch into 20 little fishies and chicks forming their respective numbers?
Oh, and if you know the animals that the numbers 1 to 20 turn into, please post them here as well. And the #14 sketch you're talking about was part of the African Counting sketch.
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2003
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The Count,

I have a few things to say to you:

Who did Freddy the 5's older brother turn out to be? I don't remember that sketch too well even though it was one of my favorites. I don't recall seeing the 19 fish eggs segment, nor do I remember seeing the 20 chicken eggs segment. Were those part of any "series", and if so, what was it called? In the 1 - 20 animals cartoon, the number 4 (I think) turns into a rabbit, and the number 1 turns into some unknown creature holding up an umbrella. Can't remember much else. So the #14 sketch I was talking about was part of the "African Counting" series? I used to love those (mainly because they went to high numbers), although I also liked what they turned into, especially that weird #11 creature under the sea. That's all.


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hi SillyJoeBob.

Just remembered who Freddy Five's older brother was. Knew the sketch but not the name until just now before I started to type this reply for you. Freddy Five asks a cop to help him find his brother, and the cop motions to a bunch of big kids playing off to the side to come in for a moment. First we see an older 9, then a 7, a 3 and an 8. And finally, Frankie Five comes in and thanks the officer for reuniting the two brothers. Basically, they're two yellow 5's with a baseball cap one bigger than the other.
The 19 fish eggs and 20 chicken eggs were part of the same counting series as the 13 hamburgers and 17 derby hats you mentioned above, along with a sketch showing off 16 TV sets that all click on in a 4x4 square to demonstrate a red number 16 on yellow screens. Wondering how I know this stuff? It's from when I watched SS and still had better sight.
Oh, and these five number segments could've been from a counting series except for the fact that they were the only ones made in this sort of style, no others for the rest of the numbers in between.
Yeah, the African Counting series was one of the different counting series used in the 1990's counting up to 20. My faves from the African Counting series were the 4 embedded in the left side of a high-flying kite and the 7 that got left behind from a horse's head of hair, and the little kid's hands waving goodbye which turned into the number 13.
Hope this helps and have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I used to love that African Counting series. It used to be my favorite. They still use some of the number films from the early 90s. But they never did a version for number 20.

There was also this one called "Rubber Stamps." It went like this:

A fish holding something and a 1 came spewing out. Then a girl looked at the floor, and a 2 came out of it. Someone dumps a bag and a 3 comes out. A dinosaur carries a 4. A boy drinks from a glass and a 5 comes out. Someone fishes and catches a 6. Someone writes a 7 with a pen. Someone is painting and an 8 appears on the canvas. Someone plays basketball and a 9 dribbles by. A number 10 appears above someone's head and pops. A robot creature opens his head and an 11 comes out. A cat sways to the right and a 12 is behind him. Someone pushes a 13 to the right. A man lights a 14 on fire. A 15 comes out of an alien's mouth. A rocket whizzes by, and a 16 comes out of the engine. A girl holds a piece of paper and a 17 comes down on it. Someone in a science lab makes an 18 from liquids. A 19 is shown on a movie screen. People watch a 20 rise over the hill.

What I've noticed about it is, they would stop at whatever the number of the day was. But they didn't do it for every number. They only did it for the numbers 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 20. I don't know why.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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No, this counting series would stop at whatever the number of the day was. I remember times when it stopped on 8, 9, 10, 13, and others as well. The one counting series I absolutely loathe is the one with the circle in the center of the screen and this annoying voice would just keep singing "Ba-Dinga-Dinga, Ba-Dinga-Dinga" and on and on until it stopped at the number of the day.
Hope this helps and have a pleasant marrow.