I have to agree.Unless they somehow pull this thing out of thin air, there's no concern for that, now is there? Way things are going, they'll have a nice 3 millennia vacation before they have to go film this thing.
I have to agree.Unless they somehow pull this thing out of thin air, there's no concern for that, now is there? Way things are going, they'll have a nice 3 millennia vacation before they have to go film this thing.
Ok, so the pencil like herky jerky animation isnt as graceful as the beautifully rendered cgi version that came out, but that's no reason to scrap a movie! I still woulda seen it if it was in that style of non animationWhen they showed the story reels to Disney, it was awful. Referred to as "black Friday"
Luckily, Pixar was allowed to have two weeks to turn things around, (to make the kind of movie that they wanted to make) and the rest is history.
As an example of how bad it was, here is some of the story reels that were shown on that "black Friday" screening;
(The audio is out of sync, but you can still get the idea, this footage came from a DVD)
But the film is NO WHERE NEAR production stage... not even in preproduction. And I don't expect a miracle to happen in the next few months for Weinstine to say "Aw, the heck with trying to stall time to find a new writer... the script we have is good, let's get this over with." This project is on indefinite hiatus... and that's just a euphemism for "We ain't doing it, but we don't want people to know we're not doing it." Unless Henson, Cory, and whatever partners they have make a STRONG case to get them to make the film as soon as possible, Weinstine is going to sit on the preproduction stage the same way it's sitting on Hoodwinked 2 which is a COMPLETED film that was completed a year ago.They'll probably shoot "The Muppets" until the end of the year and then some of the puppeteers will shoot the "Happytime Murders" from January until March, so the Fraggles could start shooting anytime after that if they wanted to. It's not that far in the future.
I actually haven't seen that footage, but it makes the film even worse. I don't care how shiny it was or looked had it been in CGI, Bully Woody is unlovable, unrelatable, and just unwatchable. To me, the character was more afraid of his future than vengeful, and he made one huge mistake and felt really really bad about it. This seems like he just had a blind hatred of everyone else, and bullied everyone about. Even Lotso and Stinky Pete had some long, deep seated psychological traumas that made them so... well, sick.(The audio is out of sync, but you can still get the idea, this footage came from a DVD)
It's out on the new DVD releases and I fully agree with you on all accounts. The 'edgy' (THAT WORD!I actually haven't seen that footage, but it makes the film even worse. I don't care how shiny it was or looked had it been in CGI, Bully Woody is unlovable, unrelatable, and just unwatchable. To me, the character was more afraid of his future than vengeful, and he made one huge mistake and felt really really bad about it. This seems like he just had a blind hatred of everyone else, and bullied everyone about. Even Lotso and Stinky Pete had some long, deep seated psychological traumas that made them so... well, sick.
Well... I will say as far as villains go, some of them were pretty likable, but a lot of them WEREN'T redeemable. I'm not sure how many people saw TS3, so I'm not going to post spoilers... but Stinky Pete was pretty nonredeemable (he got comeuppance, though), Sid was a bully, the head grasshopper in Bug's Life was pretty unlikable, unrelatable, and ONLY got comeuppance (his brother was likable and redeemable, though)...neither was the Cook in Ratatoullie, the Spirit of Adventure guy in Up (at least he was likable until they mentioned the bird... but that's the kid's fault for being innocent), and Chick Hicks in Cars. But they're all broad, cartoonish evils in those cases. Ones we love to hate, and we're glad that something happens to them in the end. To be fair, that is. But they have never made any BAD good guys.I'm not sure that Pixar has ever made a thoroughly unlikeable, nonredeemable character (Heck, even their villains are likable).
I actually haven't seen that footage, but it makes the film even worse. I don't care how shiny it was or looked had it been in CGI, Bully Woody is unlovable, unrelatable, and just unwatchable. To me, the character was more afraid of his future than vengeful, and he made one huge mistake and felt really really bad about it. This seems like he just had a blind hatred of everyone else, and bullied everyone about. Even Lotso and Stinky Pete had some long, deep seated psychological traumas that made them so... well, sick.
Well, I never thought that an out of leftfield bizarre Henson Alternative film would be made *before* the Fraggle film, but I guess that appears to be the case. Strange, that in 2011 we will get two Muppet/Henson films. From the reports, the "Happytime Murder" film is suppose to be way over the line "edgy", but I almost wonder if by "edge"(regarding the FR movie) the Weinstein studio meant simply the Fraggles out in the real world encountering modern day challenges.That is why I am so nervous (and upset) that the studio is requesting the Fraggle script to be edgy.
Fragle Rock was a mystical, magical world, and for the fraggles to be in a movie with "edginess" (even in "Outer Space") would completely tarnish them.
Although I suppose that I shouldn't worry too much, and this rate the film will probably never get made. Which may or may not be a good thing.
Being the third film (and very possibly the last) its sort of appropriate for it to be the darkest chapter for the characters. The most epic chapter, if you will.But I have to say, I HATED Toy Story 3...and believe me, the main villain(and his creepy giant baby lackey) are very loathsome and unlikeable. Just the whole film, as beautiful and next gen as it looked, rubbed me the wrong way.