Just came from Amazing Spider-Man and I have to say this... while I did like the direction Sam Raimi took with the original first 2 movies, I feel that overall, this new Spider-Man film took better turns and was a stronger film overall.
I even liked Garfield's clumsier, more befuddled Peter Parker (especially the almost Clouseau-esque misunderstanding/grand battle), I liked his transformation into Spidey much more, and found Uncle Ben's death much more dramatic than it was played in the last series. Not to mention the little details, like Peter coming completely out of his shell when he turns to Spider-Man. Even the fact they went with a more accurate version of his powers, making the web-shooter an add-on, rather than making it his powers. Also liked how a lot of the film went fast, and didn't sluggishly stay in the backstory development swamp like Green Lantern did.
Though I have some observations.
I noticed the Daily Bugle was both a newspaper and a news network. I could easily see JJJ in the next film either being an editor, or a Bill O'Reily/Keith Olberman type loudmouth or both. There's a lot of potential there. Secondly, it seems that there's more of a rigid continuity to look for next time out. A LOT of foreshadowing to mention that I won't.
I will say this:
I found it really refreshing that his secret identity was blown several times in the film, at least twice voluntarily....
I'm mixed about the Chief of police's role. I do like that he had a change of heart at the end, and becomes a sacrificing hero... but I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to keep him on as the recurring menace through out the film series. Breathing down Parker/Spidey's neck, even getting Columbo style at points.
Oh, and I LOVE this new trend of foreshadowing cutscenes at the end of Super Hero movies. Thanos in The Avengers, the foreshadowing in this film. Too bad Green Lantern's probably had it. They foreshadowed the rise of Sinestro... which would be a FAR better film. It almost gets me too antsy to have to wait the 2-3 years for the next one.
One more thing.
When they inevitably add Green Goblin to the films, I hope they take stock of what they didn't do with the last film series.
Mainly this:
That was ALMOST the Green Goblin in the first movie.
I even liked Garfield's clumsier, more befuddled Peter Parker (especially the almost Clouseau-esque misunderstanding/grand battle), I liked his transformation into Spidey much more, and found Uncle Ben's death much more dramatic than it was played in the last series. Not to mention the little details, like Peter coming completely out of his shell when he turns to Spider-Man. Even the fact they went with a more accurate version of his powers, making the web-shooter an add-on, rather than making it his powers. Also liked how a lot of the film went fast, and didn't sluggishly stay in the backstory development swamp like Green Lantern did.
Though I have some observations.
I noticed the Daily Bugle was both a newspaper and a news network. I could easily see JJJ in the next film either being an editor, or a Bill O'Reily/Keith Olberman type loudmouth or both. There's a lot of potential there. Secondly, it seems that there's more of a rigid continuity to look for next time out. A LOT of foreshadowing to mention that I won't.
I will say this:
I found it really refreshing that his secret identity was blown several times in the film, at least twice voluntarily....
I'm mixed about the Chief of police's role. I do like that he had a change of heart at the end, and becomes a sacrificing hero... but I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to keep him on as the recurring menace through out the film series. Breathing down Parker/Spidey's neck, even getting Columbo style at points.
Oh, and I LOVE this new trend of foreshadowing cutscenes at the end of Super Hero movies. Thanos in The Avengers, the foreshadowing in this film. Too bad Green Lantern's probably had it. They foreshadowed the rise of Sinestro... which would be a FAR better film. It almost gets me too antsy to have to wait the 2-3 years for the next one.
One more thing.
When they inevitably add Green Goblin to the films, I hope they take stock of what they didn't do with the last film series.
Mainly this:

That was ALMOST the Green Goblin in the first movie.