Films that were supposed to be hits (MMW, dragon, transformers) were either ok or disappointed. It's also quite insane that I'm going to blatently state that August at the box office could end up with more money than July!

Transformers made about 900 million world wide. Not exactly a disappointment.
Clifford The Big Red DogUniversal4/8/16New
Seriously, first another power rangers film, and now another clifford film, what is up with studios these days making movies thinking nostalgic factor will save it!
Hehe... Power Rangers having a nostalgia factor. Freakin' thing's still on the air. And we got the thing 20 years into the Super Sentai series. I don't see anything wrong with them doing a big budget film instead of the two 90 minute toy commercials they made in the 90's.
Anyway, saw GOTG yesterday and it was freaking amazing. They took some real risks in making a film based on such an obscure and off beat comic, and it totally paid off. I'd venture to say this is probably the most fun I've had at a Marvel movie... even more so than Avengers. Even without the Marvel tie in, they actually made a
good sci-fi action comedy. Something that Hollywood's been struggling with since
forever (cough cough Pluto Nash). Theater was pretty crowded when I saw it. That's a good sign. Is Friday's opening in addition to Thursday's 11 million? Seriously, between this and TMNT (say what you will about it, it don't look cheap), movie studios are really looking to turn August around this year.
Now, my only complaint is that before this amazing film I had to sit through that
awful trailer for the in name only adaption of Alexander and the blah blah blah et cetera Day. I owe Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs an apology (at least they got the building boats out of stale bread sandwiches part right). Seriously. STOP making movies based on single kid's books. There's not enough story to begin with. Now Clifford, at least that's a series of books with an established set of characters (for the sake of argument, forget the TV show...which already had a movie). There's room for a story to happen without turning the book into something else. Alexander, however... seems that everyone
but Alexander is having the bad day.