This sort of thing reallly isn't on. I know not everyone can see Avenue Q. Shows aren't cheap and it's only running in three cities, but this is still illegal. Cameras aren't let into theatres for a reason.
Perhaps a sensible moderator could do something about it.
perhaps you should be more reasonable, i have things that are copies, that, are from free-to-air channels, and as such not illegal, or maybe it is, I dunno,....and anyway, how are people like me gonna get to see avenue q? they wont come to scotland, i dont have the money to go to london, and by the time i save up, no dount they will have moved on.
i, personally, dont think its that bad, and hate all these "piracy supports crime, and terrorism" adverts on uk dvds....nonsense!
even if you stop the thread, wont stop people making copies, will it?
There are more important things in todays society to worry about *cough*war*cough* than some fan trying to help others out!
-however, if it turned out you were actually an avenue q performer, well, id still not agree with you, id just not support avenue q as a group any longer.