My Views on ABC TV
ABC needs to deviate from the reality TV line-up :
The Family, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, I'm a (pseudo) Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, Are You Hot, All American Girl and the longtime - America's (un)Funniest Home Videos. Yes, there are that many - probably more!
Their sitcom lineup is pretty cheesy too - except Life with Bonnie and Less than perfect (which are placed in a terrible timeslot). They are trying to make us watch yet another dull John Ritter show and a Dadio-esque dreadful program with the lesser of Belushi brothers. Both used to be fine actors. It's sad to see them in this sludge.
They moved the Practice to Monday nights. Probably unwise. But I their new Miracles show is promising. So is Dragnet, and Alias is still going strong.
They also keep playing edited for television movies. Who wants to see that in this age of cable TV and DVDs? When Friday nights are filled with a 2 hour bock of America's funniest home videos, we can see they just aren't trying.