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Voiceless (Dedicated to Richard Hunt)


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Maybe I'm just deprived of a brain, anyhoo, I'll try it and have fun!!!:smile:
*HUGS* Thank you, I really appreciate your comments. A lot of what's in this fic is stuff that I've experienced in my own life, having lost my Great-Uncle suddenly (who was more like my Dad's brother, seeing as they were only three years apart age-wise) back in 2008, and losing my favorite English teacher (and writing mentor for a year) back in 2009. In some ways I am glad that I was able to do that pain justice, but at the same time it's also bittersweet. I'm sorry if I inadvertently dredged up some bad experiences for you, but things in this story do get better later on, and I know that they will for you too. *HUGS AGAIN*

On another note, it is kind of weird writing this because Richard passed away in 1992 and I was born in June of that year, so I have to do a bit of research whenever I want to include something I wasn't sure was available way back when (hence why I have Kermit using a Motorola 'brick phone', because cell phones were only just becoming popular around that time).

@ bouncingbabyfig and newsmanfan: Thanks! :big_grin: Figgie (can I call you that?), to quote something, all you have to do is go under the post you want to quote, and hit "reply" instead of "like" (although feel free to do that too :big_grin:). After that, you can shorten the quote to what you want to quote (like I did for We Got Us' quote above), or even make multiple quotes with the HTML code. :smile: I hope that helps.

Lol I feel smarticles!

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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>>>Hugs right back<<< It's not bringing back painful memories per say, as crystallizing what your trying (successfully) to convey emotionally. All I'm saying is that, when I say your doing a good job and being accurate, I know what I'm talking about. Sooo sorry about your Uncle and teacher. It was my mother that passed away unexpectedly in October...as if it's ever 'expected'. Anyway, your doing an amazing job! >>Hugs again!!!<<


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
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I must say that was really tough to read as I almost forgot that Hunt died of AID related death. :eek:

Still, this was some update and I was especially touch with the moment between Kermit and Waldolf. I must say there's a time to criticize a person and time to be human, this was more of the latter than the former.

Once again this chapter was another great job coming from you. Please do keep up the good work upon such a great tale like this one.:boo:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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When I read these words over and over, as I will continue doing, I feel your love and admiration for Richard Hunt, good on yah, mate!!:sing:


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Still, this was some update and I was especially touch with the moment between Kermit and Waldolf. I must say there's a time to criticize a person and time to be human, this was more of the latter than the former.

Thank you. :smile: I'm glad I didn't inadvertently put Waldorf out-of-character with that conversation.

@DramaQueenMokey and bouncingbabyfig: Thank you guys too. :smile: I'm glad that you guys are liking the story (though 'enjoying' it is a bit of a stretch with this subject matter, haha).

On to Chapter six! :big_grin: Sorry if it's a bit short, I blame writer's block for that. *stomps on writer's block*


Chapter 6​

“What you saw of Richard Hunt is what he was. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go and be sad for a while.” The Newsman bowed his head respectfully, and the news report flickered off, switching to a McDonald’s commercial. Kermit flicked the screen off, and the crowd once again started to murmur.

“I’m here, Janice, I’m here.” Floyd said quietly, rubbing Janice’s shoulder while she silently sank against his chest. He didn’t know when she was going to get her voice back, or if she ever would, but at the moment that didn’t seem to matter.

“Ja-nice?” Animal said, his voice half an inquiry, half a whimper. He knew that someone important had died, but what did that have to do with her? What was wrong. “Floyd?”

“So what do we do now?” Zoot leaned over to ask Dr. Teeth. “I mean, I really feel for Janice right now, but aren’t we kinda hooped for back-up vocals now?”

“I thought of that.” Dr. Teeth said, leaning back, his arms crossed. “Fortunately we only had one song where Janice was leading, so we’ll just have to cut that one until further notice. Mind you, I kinda doubt we’ll be going on in two weeks after this.” Zoot didn’t reply to this, but turned and looked down at his feet, lost in thought.

“You didn’t really answer the question.” He finally said, somewhat annoyed. “What about the back-up vocals? I mean, I know Janice losing her voice shouldn’t affect her guitar-skills, should it?”

“No, though I might just give Janice a bit of time to figure things out for herself before I ask her to play anything. A week or two maybe, give things a chance to sink in.” Dr. Teeth rubbed his temple. He was hoping they wouldn’t have had to go through this again anytime soon, seeing how he had recovered from it himself only a few months ago.

“Ok, I get that, but what are we gonna do if we’ve gotta perform and Janice still hasn’t got her voice back, y’know what I’m sayin’?”

“Right now, I dunno. Floyd and I can handle some of it by ourselves, but…yeah, I’ve got nothin’. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

“What wrong with Janice?” Animal asked, butting in on the conversation.

“Her voice is gone.” Dr. Teeth said abruptly. “Her voice…well, her voice died.”

“Die?” Animal’s eyes widened and he turned to where the blonde was sitting in front of him. “No, Janice
not die! Not yet!”

“She’s still alive.” Dr. Teeth explained patiently. “She’s going to be alive for a long time, but the person who gave her a voice isn’t. You follow?” Animal stared at him, uncomprehending.

“Look, it’s like this. Who do you work with?”


“Yeah, that’s true, but think bigger.”

Animal thought for a moment, then grinned. “FRANK OZ!”

“Shh, keep it down, will ya?” Dr. Teeth said, glancing over at Miss Piggy, who was giving the two of them a curious look, having heard the name of her muppeteer mentioned.

“Sorry.” Animal apologized.

“Right, you know how it’s Frank’s job to give you a voice, right?”


“Well, Richard Hunt did the same thing for Janice. The Newsman just said that he passed away today, so now Janice has nobody to give her a voice. Now do you understand?”

Light dawned in Animal’s eyes, and he nodded vigorously before the full realization of Dr. Teeth’s words hit him. Again, he turned towards Janice, and before they could stop him, poked her roughly on the shoulder. Floyd frowned, wondering what he would do. Janice looked up, mascara smudged down her cheeks.

“Animal sorry. Please don’t cry.” The primitive man said simply, clumsily wiping one side of her face with his hand to get some of the mascara off. Janice cracked a smile.

“Ladies and gentleman!” Kermit called out. The crowd settled down, and Jermit cleared his throat. “At this time, I would like to suggest that the opening of the newest season of The Muppet Show be postponed for another two weeks. Any objections?” Kermit scanned the theatre and saw one fuzzy paw up. “Yes, Fozzie?”

“What about the people who bought pre-show tickets?” The comedian called out.

Kermit blinked. “Somebody actually bought pre-show tickets? How many of them were there?”

“I think about a dozen people did, yeah.”

“Right, well, Scooter will have—oh wait, he can’t.” Way to put your flipper in your mouth, moron! “I will personally contact these people myself and tell them about the date change, plus deliver any refunds that need to be given out. Any further questions?”

A couple of hands went up. Kermit nodded at the purple one first. “Yes, Hilda?”

“Will just anyone be allowed to attend the memorial service?” The old woman asked, looking timid under the weight of all the eyes that were now staring at her.

“I’m not sure, seeing as we haven’t even got a date for it just yet. I don’t think it’ll be like Jim’s though, I’m afraid. I’ll call and ask later.”

“No, I will call and ask.” Sweetums heard Rowlf mutter. “Don’t overburden yourself on the first day, or Miss Piggy’s going to kill someone.” Though his heart was aching, a ghost of a smile tugged at his mouth.

“How soon can the voiceless muppets expect to get their voices back?” Zoot called out.

“Zoot!” Dr. Teeth and Floyd simultaneously protested.

“It’s a fair question, man.” Zoot said flatly.

“Not until after the memorial service, for sure. Afterwards, well, it’s up to the other Muppeteers and the voiceless muppets themselves when they want to take that step.” Or even if they want to take it. “Now, are there any further questions?”

Nobody moved.

“Very well then, I just want to say that, personally, I am very sorry for this loss and Richard Hunt will be greatly missed. If any further information arises I will inform the proper parties post-haste. Emergency meeting dismissed.”

Everyone filed out, looking much more somber than they had when they had arrived. Every once in a while, there was the sound of sniffling. A handful of braver muppets had ventured towards the front, to offer any comfort or help that they could, especially to Scooter. The other members of the Electric Mayhem were witting on the stage in front of Floyd and Janice, talking amongst themselves. Kermit had slinked off the stage, not knowing that Miss Piggy had climbed onto the stage as gracefully as she could and was now following him.

Gonzo turned to leave as well, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He knew who it was. The normally good-natured scientist had his jaw set, and he looked towards his assistant for a moment. Beaker hadn’t moved from his seat, and his shoulders were hunched.

“Why did you hold me back?” Bunsen asked.

“Not now, Bunsen.” Gonzo said, looking nervously at Rowlf for some strange reason.

“You said you’d tell me later. I do believe this would qualify as ‘later’, yes?”

Touché. Gonzo nodded. “Not here.” He said. “Follow me.”

There was a knock on the door. Statler sat up, startled, then stood to his feet and shuffled towards the door. If it was that annoying paperboy again…

The door swung open, and there was Waldorf. He held out the loaf of saran-wrapped banana bread like it was a peace offering. “I heard what happened, and I’m sorry. Mind if you let me in?”

Statler’s eyes softened when he saw the banana bread. Well, it would probably be hard to get it down past the lump in his throat, but he did like sweets.

The door banged shut behind them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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I love Animal's sweet gesture for Janice, I love the entire Electric Mayhem part overall.
They're like a family within a family, supporting each other when times were rough.
Although I do wonder why Zoot's being so bold all of a sudden. Something on his mind?

Very interested in the talk between Gonzo and Bunsen, can't wait for the next update!


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Perhaps 'enjoy' is too sweet of a word,:wink: but I still love this story. The closeness of the muppets growing stronger as a family is truly touching. I too am intrested in Dr. Bunsen's talk with Gonzo. :concern::confused:Animal made me laugh and cry at his rough kindness. :halo:More please!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Yes, enjoy might not be the right word to use, but this is a beautiful and touching story! Aw, Animal is such a sweetheart :halo: I'm very curious as to Bunsen and Gonzo's talk! Keep on writing :smile: