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Voiceless (Dedicated to Richard Hunt)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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The only thing is, Sam the eagle was performed by Frank Oz if I remember correctly, though I could be wrong...
*Looks up Jim Henson on Wikipedia*
Odd, it listed Sam the Eagle as one of his characters...
*looks up Sam the Eagle on MuppetWiki*
...Aaaaannd that'll teach me to trust anything wikipedia says. XD You're probably right. Oh well, I can live with that. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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It's okay, :big_grin: in my first fic, I put down that Jim was still alive during Muppets from space.:embarrassed: Oh well, only 9 years off....


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
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That was a wonderful chapter update to the storyline. I must say it was great to see Kermit being the strong one and leader to the group. The sympathizer and the one who understands what the others are going through. That is a true sign of a great friend and leader of the Muppets.:smile:

Once again, this is a great update, and I wish to encourage you upon such great and wonderful work like this one.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Ozy, you da muppet bomb!
:crazy:Crazy Harry: Did somebody say bomb?!
Figgie: N-no-no! Don't even-
Figgie: Check please? *gasp*


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Nagging stick anyone?:sympathy:
NOOOOOOO, not the nagging stick! D: *waves flag of surrender*

Also, *grabs duster to dust off the ash from bouncingbabyfig, then whacks Crazy Harry over the head with it* Go away, you! :stick_out_tongue:

@ mbmfrog and We Got Us: Thank you. :big_grin: It's good to hear that this little tribute is moving people. I only hope that Richard Hunt would've liked it too.

In any case, here's a new chapter before I have to take off out of town for New years. See you guys later, everyone! :big_grin:


Chapter 5

The theatre was in an uproar by the time Kermit got to the main auditorium. Thog was setting up the TV (the biggest one they could find) in the middle of the stage, and Kermit secretly wished that the blue giant would hurry it up, before rumors started flying. He sat there in the wings, looking over the crowd. The theatre was almost half-full with all of the theatre’s employees and various acts that had been practicing for the newest season of The Muppet Show that day. Kermit’s eyes scanned the seats. Near the front was Rowlf, who had cordoned off four seats for the voiceless muppets. Miss Piggy was sitting on the other end of these four empty seats, and by the looks of it, she’d been informed of what was happening by Rowlf. Her head was tilted up, giving her an air of dignity and strength, but she didn’t look happy. Most of the Mayhem were clustered together behind her, and just by how fast Dr. Teeth was talking, he was probably explaining to them what happened to Janice, and why she’d lost her voice for the time being. Next to them were Bunsen and Gonzo, with Camilla and Sam sitting at the end of the aisle. The Swedish Chef was standing behind Floyd, looking at the right wing (Kermit’s left). He turned his head, and started slightly at spotting the frog. He began mouthing something to Kermit, but the frog had no idea what he was trying to communicate.

I’ll explain later. He mouthed back, then turned his eyes upwards, scanning the rafters for—ah, good, Uncle Deadly was there too. The phantom was sitting on one of the rafters, his back resting against a brace, one leg idly swinging alongside the rafter. He was eating an apple and looking down at the other gathered Muppets with a mix of distain and interest. Kermit’s eyes moved on to the empty balcony seating, and he blinked, surprised. Wait, Statler and Waldorf don’t come around unless there’s a show of some sort happening…aw nuts. Kermit spun on one flipper and walked backstage, searching for his phone. Wait, it’s back in the office, he thought as he trudged back, dodging various crates and boxes as he went (he would have to remind Beauregard to pick this stuff up later). He was a modern frog with a modern phone, a cell phone, beige in colour with a long black antenna. It was pretty and it made him feel advanced, but he always forgot to take the clunky thing with him. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard to miss.

“Got it!” He pulled out the antenna and flipped through the address book, passing through the A’s, the B’s, the L’s and the Q’s without a second glance. He found the number he needed and dialed it in. The phone rang once, twice, with no reply.

“Come on, come on…”

“Hello, who’s this?” A slightly nasal male voice rang out through the speaker.

“Hey Waldorf, Kermit the frog here, and—”

“Oh no, don’t tell me the season’s starting date has been moved up!” Waldorf cried, then started laughing.

“No, no, nothing like that.”

“Oh, then has the bear quit?”



“Waldorf, will you listen please!?”

“Alright, calm down, calm down! What is it?”

“I just,” Kermit paused to clear his throat. “I just wanted you to know that Richard Hunt passed away today.”

There was silence on the other end. Then, “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Kermit.”

“Yeah, I know.” Kermit said quietly.

“I see.” Another pause and then, “I’m going to go over to Statler’s place.”

“Do you want me to come over later today?” Kermit asked.

“No, no. Him and me, we’ll be fine. I got the feeling he kind of saw this coming a bit. Thanks anyways.”

“Wait, he did?” Kermit sounded surprised.

“Kermit, when you get up to as old as we do, and your friends start passing away one by one, death kind of becomes a part of life, you know? Statler, well, he was there for me with Henson, and no I’ll be there for him with Hunt. You don’t have to worry about us.”

Kermit’s shoulders sank with relief. “Thanks Waldorf. I knew I could count on you.”

“Don’t mention it. And Kermit?”


“You know what? I wish we can wipe out all of the bad things that happen in the world beginning with the letter ‘A’. AIDS, alcoholism, Alzheimers…”

“Yeah.” Kermit murmured. After a quick goodbye, the call ended with a click, and Kermit hit the end call button and put the phone down next to the Talking Dasani.


“Honey!” Waldorf called out, putting the phone back in its cradle.

“Yeah?” Came a voice from the dining room.

“Do you mind if I take some of that banana loaf over to Statler’s?”

“Why are you going over there at this time of the day?”

“Kermit called. Richard Hunt passed away today.”

“Your joking.” A bespectacled old woman, her hair short, curly, and white, popped her head out of the dining room. She looked at Waldorf. “You’re not joking. Yes, I’ll go and wrap up some now. Are you taking the car? Should I come with you?”

“Yes and no, that’s fine.”

“Alright then. Just give Statler my condolences, you hear?”

“Yes dear.”

Thog had just finished setting up the TV when Kermit came back to the wing. Good. He stared out at the audience and saw that the final four Muppets had arrived, and were walking down the center aisle. All eyes were on them, but nobody dare ask them anything for Rowlf was walking beside them, and they were all looking straight ahead. Janice went first, then Beaker, then Scooter, supported by the lumbering form of Sweetums. They worked their way into the seats, and when Miss Piggy saw that she was seated next to Janice, she scooted over a seat, turned to the Electric Mayhem, and snapped her fingers to get their attention. Kermit couldn’t hear what she said, but a moment later a grateful-looking Floyd got out of his seat and took the seat next to Janice.

Kermit checked the time and took a deep breath. He walked onto the stage, under the bright lights, and almost immediately the crowd quieted down. Kermit stood on one side of TV, and he gestured for Thog to stand on the other side.

“Hello, everyone, I’m sure you are all wondering what’s happening.” Kermit said. All murmuring ceased.

“Well, I’d say it, but I think that the Newsman could say it a lot better than we could. Turn on the TV, Thog.”

Thog did so, having taken the liberty of hooking the main sound system to the TV. The screen flickered on, and the figure of the Newsman came into view. He was sitting at his desk, and a black armband was around his left arm. When he spoke, it wasn’t with his usual bluster and enthusiasm.

“This is the Muppet Newsflash, with a special news report. On this day, on January 7, 1992, Muppeteer Richard Hunt has passed away of AIDS-related complications. He was 40.”

There was a collective round of gasps and murmurs that encircled the room. Janice quietly slumped over on Floyd’s shoulder, and the pink-skinned Muppet put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed it, desperate to give her some sort of comfort. Bunsen gasped. “So THAT was what happened to Beaker!” He exclaimed, and his sympathy immediately rose for his assistant.

“Yeah.” Gonzo said quietly.

“At this time, our prayers and thoughts are with the Hunt family. A memorial service date has not been released yet, but we have received a statement that the Muppets who have been directly affected as a result of this will not be receiving new Muppeteers until after the memorial service or fu—hold on a moment.” A fuzzy brown hand appeared on the screen, handing a bulletin to the Newsman. He quickly read it, and then nodded. “It has been confirmed that the intent of Richard Hunt’s family is to have him cremated. Still no word on a date for the memorial service, but the Muppet News Team will supply that information when it becomes readily available. Once again, the Muppet Newsroom has received word that…”

“… Richard Hunt has passed away from AIDS-related complications.” The Newsman repeated. Statler heard him and comprehended every word, but he didn’t really want to, or truly accept that this was happening. He was curled up on the couch, wearing slacks (the suit only came out on the days he went with Waldorf to the theatre) and wrapped in a blue fleece blanket, staring at the TV listlessly. The Newsman finished his report, and the TV switched to commercials. Statler grabbed the remote and turned it off, then turned his head to the picture that hung over the mantelpiece. The picture was black and white, and showed him and Waldorf standing in front of Richard Hunt and Jim Henson, respectively. Statler had liked it so much he had asked it to be enlarged and framed, and it was the only piece of art that hung from his dingy condo.

Statler stared at the picture for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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'Scuse me while I grab a box of tissues. *sniffles*:cry: Whaaaaaaaahahaaaaa.... *Wipe* I'm okay now. So sad and yet so beautiful too. I wish I could learn to quote on this website, I'd like to quote this whole darn story!! But I'll start by doing this piece by piece, I felt you described Uncle Deadly perfectly, wow gave me chills! And the dasani bottle still cracks me up, lol.:big_grin: As for Statler and Waldorf, I feel for 'em, I really do. I didn't know Richard was cremated nor that he died of AIDS, which kinda makes me sadder.... *Sigh* well, have a happy new year, Ozy, may we all see you soon in the upcoming 2012. *Leaves flowers and cookies*:jim:

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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I'm running out of adjectives to describe how beautifully you write this whole terrible thing....Richard seemed like such a fun, amazing guy....he really deserved this kind of memorial. I know his death was a little overshadowed by Jim's, and the crew was still getting on their feet, and it must of been too hard for them to what they had done for Jim, so this...is so amazing. Um...on another note, you have amazing writing skills Ozmandyias, portraying the pain of losing a loved so clearly. I know from...recent experience, what it looks like and what it looks like in other people. Beautiful and bittersweet. Keep it up....


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Um...on another note, you have amazing writing skills Ozmandyias, portraying the pain of losing a loved so clearly. I know from...recent experience, what it looks like and what it looks like in other people. Beautiful and bittersweet. Keep it up....
*HUGS* Thank you, I really appreciate your comments. A lot of what's in this fic is stuff that I've experienced in my own life, having lost my Great-Uncle suddenly (who was more like my Dad's brother, seeing as they were only three years apart age-wise) back in 2008, and losing my favorite English teacher (and writing mentor for a year) back in 2009. In some ways I am glad that I was able to do that pain justice, but at the same time it's also bittersweet. I'm sorry if I inadvertently dredged up some bad experiences for you, but things in this story do get better later on, and I know that they will for you too. *HUGS AGAIN*

On another note, it is kind of weird writing this because Richard passed away in 1992 and I was born in June of that year, so I have to do a bit of research whenever I want to include something I wasn't sure was available way back when (hence why I have Kermit using a Motorola 'brick phone', because cell phones were only just becoming popular around that time).

@ bouncingbabyfig and newsmanfan: Thanks! :big_grin: Figgie (can I call you that?), to quote something, all you have to do is go under the post you want to quote, and hit "reply" instead of "like" (although feel free to do that too :big_grin:). After that, you can shorten the quote to what you want to quote (like I did for We Got Us' quote above), or even make multiple quotes with the HTML code. :smile: I hope that helps.

Anyways, I'm off to go finish my packing! See you guys in the New Year! :big_grin: