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Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score

Guy Smilie - It's great of you to include him! He looks a little lost in this conversation though and I can't help wondering if he's just excuseing himself to pop off to the bathroom...but I have a strange mind. I like his eye sizes and the neat hair he has. Also the shirt tucked out of his sleeve there is a neat touch as with Bunsen. "So I've got a great new show coming up for me, This is Your Wife. I wasn't indicating Link for any reason there..."

Newsman - A nice inclusion of a less than often used Jim Henson character (Hey I just noticed that he's palced next to Guy Smilie! Nice!)
For some reason he looks deliciously sleezy here! Maybe it's the stripes on that jacket? Maybe its the small eyes and slopped eyebrows? Maybe it's the toupee or the rocky chin? whatever it is, I like it. "You know, I have a great self image. *is hit by falling frame*".

Gobo - Such colourfull colours! I hug the pinkness and gloomp the pullover! It's so cosy and cute! His smile is adoreable, and I like the perspective on his arm. "*thinking* For a silly creature, he sure is colourfull."

Dr Teeth - The rings, the feather, the fur, the tooth! Its hip city for this guy, and I dig his outfit. The crinkles in his hat are nicely positioned, and I love the blue edging. "And that's how I came to own a golden tooth, my fine fraggilian friend."

Skesis - So creepy, so out of place, and yet so perfect. The glowing eye is neat and his humpy back looks awesome. Ilike the shading on that, also the indevidual teeth add an edge to his craggy beak. "If I stay very still they won't see me steal this picture of Noel MacNeal...whoever he is."

Wembly - Totally dazed by the flash as he is, Wembly looks totally wembled! His Hawiian shirt is a nice geasture. I like the palm trees and would think they rocked even if they wern't on a lil fraggley friend! I like the lines where his body meets his legs. "This is my Zombie of the Undead Cavern look!"

Redhat Doozer! - I squee at the different coloured hats! This one has a neat little expression of annoyence on his face.

Digit - Well, I don't know much about this computeroid robot character, but from what I've seen in the past he looks pretty fab. His hair and droopy eyelids look awesome and his cavernous mouth looks as if it were captured mid-yawn. "In fture remind me not to flash folks when my battry is down."

Elmo - Maybe the first time this red monster has made me smile! He captures a brillient amount of love and emotion here, while just being HAPPY! Happy, happy, happy. Again, nice perspective on the eyes and hands. "Elmo just wants to try the Tickle-me-Doozer! Elmo will let him go again after!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Just let me say that I when I signed onto MSN today, I was greeted with the words, "TOGA VIC IS AMAZING!" (I kid you not.) Next thing I know, I'm waiting for this page to load while listening to Beau, Prawnie, and Layla rave about how awesome everyone looks. And then I'm sitting there trying to see all of it... and I keep having to scroll to the right... and scroll... and scroll... and scroll...


I gotta go scroll through this again.

AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING! Holy mosquitoes it's fantasticabulous in every sense of the word...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Floyd - Oh my gosh! The costume! The eyes! The whiskers! The hands! The...Janice and Floyd are HOLDING HANDS IN SUCH A SWEET PROTECTIVE WAY! It's so....sooooo adoreable! "...why's that monster famous again?"

Janice - Oh she is so....hot...I'd comment on her purple eyes or lushious lips but I dare not enter that territory so, let's talk hair! I love the sweeping hair look on her, so different from normal, and yet so natural! She looks like a digniary or something sat there holding hands with her love. The wave of hair at her forehead looks sweel, and the strand-thingie down past her shoulder looks fetching on her. She looks so healthy and organic... "So honey, like, do you think they have veggitarian dishes here that don't, like, sing?"

Rowlf - His eyes are closed. Don't get me wrong, he's fab, but...his eyes are closed? I've never even once imagined them shut, maybe that's why he seems a teeny tad off here? I do like the edgeing on his far and the shading, but there is something about him that's not quite right...hope you don't mind my saying that. "To do: Take a walk and go to bed."

Cookie - Goggly eyed and blue! He's just all over great, with nice fur and GREAT fingers. His pose, arm around Animal, is ADORABLE! I love that Frank's major two monsters are together! So sweet! (And with Erik Jacobson up above. Great choice, btw.) "Me want me FORTUNE COOKIE now."

Animal - Just whacked out and hanging on a friend...wow...it makes me smile and somehow almost cry, like inside the animal that is Animal is a human spirit...it's just wow...Also his wrist/chain/thing looks fab, and his teeth are great. "HA! HA! HA!"

SNUFFY! - Ok, I am running out of synonyms for great, awesome, amazing, and fab, so sufice to say that Snuffy may be my favorite character on this sheet (aside from Beau, obviously). I'd go so far as to say that this is the best Snuffy picture I have ever seen in my entire SS lovin' life. That is all. "I don't know why, but I suddenly wish this weirdo would turn invisable..."

Gonzo - It's snappy and weird. I love the purple tux, and the hankie in the pocket. Also his spray of hair is neat and the green and yellow eyelining was great attention to detail. "And that's how I catch canonballs while cycleing backards on a barbwire fence!"

Sam - Angular and upright. Nice visual choice to bring out the stiffness within the character. Great monobrow also. "I've been with them so long now I fear there is a weirdo growing on me someplace these days."

Bert - Excellent horizontal stripes for the poor pestulated guy, and another great monobrow to be added to my current collection of great monobrows...wait, no, I don't have one of those... "So you think that's bad? You should try having a friend who plays continually with his rubber duck! I hear that's what they call it these days..."

Ernie - Playfull and childish, his clothing is bright and cuffs are tight. I'm glad you decided to include the rubber duckie! Oh, and I heard Prawnie say that Ernie has a "Cute nose" here. Not sure if there's a deeper meaning there... "Great! Then we share a common intrest! Bathtime fun!"

Bear - His bemused expression suggests that he bit off more than he could chew, or in Bear's case smelt more than he could...nah, theres no good way to end that expression. I was flabbergasted to see him here actually, I was expecting some big characters, but not Bear! He was a great inclusion! His eyebrow expression is marvelous. I like the wrinky nature of his eyes and fluid-ity (word?) of the lighter fur. "By the way, there's dust in this chandelier."

crazed gonzo fa

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Awesomely awesome Vic! This is amazing! And those were great quotes guys! I especially loved how you put the Skesis and Hoggle in there! Glad to have you back Vic, and thanks!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Awesomely aswesome still Vic. I can't get over how amazing it is. Thank you soooooo much for making it!! It's totally totally AMAAAAAZING!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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How many would be interested in a high-res, seamless, photo quality print of this particular visual? If you were to print these yourself, you would either have to print it very small to fit on one page, or "stitch" approximately 8 pages together AND at low resolution.

I'm wondering if enough people would be interested in paying approximately $20 (the cost of printing) and s&h for a high-res, seamless, photo quality (and possible autographed ) print. The price would only cover cost! I would not be making any profit at all!!! So no need to give me the copyright speeches. I just need to know if anyone would be interested. Thanks!

Vic, I would pay $20 for an aoutgraphed copy in a heartbeat.
Also I was wondering if you would be willing to make a personalized Uncle Traveling Matt Avatar for me.
Just wondering.

By the way I absolutely loved it. I did not get to check it till almost 5 at night but I love it and can not stop looking at it. Incredible!!! God I could type forever about it so I wont comment on anythign individually but it is incredible. Wow!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Fozzie - He's electric with movement and pacing! His eyes are wide and his smile is HUGE! Eyebrows dancing up by his hat and the loose tie give him a comical yet relaxed air! It's amazing that he makes me giggle even what he isn't telling a joke! "But can you preschool tv presenter bears make your ears wiggle? Aaaaa-ah!"

Robin!!! - Robin robin robin! So simple, yet so profound! Resting his cute little elbow on the table and gazing up and that HUGE HUGE bear! It's awesome! And his simple little smile there just makes me want to hug him more than ever! "*thinking* When I grow up I'll be way taller than the bear!" - Caption thanks to Layla.

Red - Eeeeeeeeee! The hair! The elbows! The wobbly nose and wiggly smile, the eyelids and the red jumper! I loooooooove the lines in her hair and the grainy colouring-ish-ness-thing going on there. "*thinks* So strong, so stylish, so dorky-looking!"

Scooter - So dorky-looking is right! Yet so cute and cuddly. His glasses are huge! But its his hair that is the most interesting aspect of him! It's so well done! Not sure how to describe it...it's very stylized and awesome. "*thinks* Red's hair sure has bounce!"

Skeeter - AYIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Skeeter! She's...she's BRILLIENT! Inteligent and yet muscular, with snakes of hair and delisious red-rimmed glasses! Your choice of apparel for her took the biscuite with a masculine shirt, yet a cool black jacket or dress....I gloomp her...or I'd like to anyway... "So, whose the chick Scooter? Hmm? Hmm? And why the blushing?"

Piggy - Oh so in control of this snuggle in the corner. She looks smug and yet coy...how does she do that? The pearls looks loverly and I like the cheek-bones and bright blue eyes. Her hair is ravashing, as always, and her arms look brillient. "*thinking* The frog. My frog, so dashing when he takes on the awesome responsability of comand...he brought us together...specificially US together. Oh, and is it getting hot in here, or is it just me...think he'll mind if I pull this arm in a little closer to me, with frog attached?"

Kermit - Bring it all to a close, yet also beginning it, there's Kermit. Sweet, green, cool, adorable Kermit with his bulgy eyes and haphazard collar. What I like most about him here is that he isn't being crazy, he's just calmly looking over the room, inspecting his family, and being their leader. "Hi ho everyone!"

*pants* Ok...I'm done...*colapses*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Whoa!!! First of all, thanks go out to Beauregard for taking on the awesome duties of tour guide through the visual artistry that is Vic's talents. Secondly, Vic, this was a great visual to start off with a bang.
Crazy Harry: Did someone say "Bang"?
*Explosion goes off in the background.
Thirdly... Man, with this visual starting things off, I'm not sure what you're gonna do for Thanksgiving, but I'd like to be invited over for the get-together.
Fourth... My customer guy's working on Skeeter, should give him a call to see how he's doing, but I'd rully be interested in knowing just how exactly she looks in this visual representation. And mroeso, where you got the pic to use for this great artwork.

PM'ing you soon, take care and look forward to the next one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
Reaction score
I loved it Vic!Great job!!
You really have a talent for this!:big_grin:
(I'd contribute a pic of myself but don't have any Online.)

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Gees, Beau! I never had someone write a report on my artwork! I love it!

You may notice some custom avvys popping up, hee hee! Well, here are some more if anyone would like them, or if you'd like one of them that's not here, just PM me. As far as custom ones that are not at the dinner, all I can say is slim chance any time soon, but I'll see what I can do!

:cool: Zoot
:frown: Bert
:rolleyes: PePe