Slanderous Junk Weekly – Issue 2
I guess I didn’t realize it when I created the first four issues of
“Slanderous Junk Weekly”, but this publication would afford
Fleet Scribbler the perfect employment, so the story from here on out is that he’s moved up the corporate ladder from snotty journalist for some unknown newspaper in the 70’s to Editor-In-Chief of the nations biggest Muppet gossip magazine here in the 21st Century. Feel free to use
that in your fan-fics!

Anyway, this second issue was really made to give the frog some vindication for last issue. Besides, how often would I get the chance to use Jessica Alba in a visual? Hubba-hubba!
Slanderous Junk Weekly – Issue 2
Be sure to click the image for a "full view"
Muppet Central Morsels
• The "Bear Header" isn't intended to be offensive in as much as it is a look at how silly these types of magazines can be, but basically that's my sense of humor and "poop" in big letters cracks me up.
• Have you noticed how out of place and corny the background looks? It's supposed to! It's a jab at the lame work gossip mag designers do, and as I'm in the business, I can tease if I want!
• If you haven't noticed by now, the "price" is a running gag in every issue.
***More info you may or may not feel the need to read!***
The Muppet Central Show – SEASON 2!
Today is the LAST DAY to get your pictures in for the MC Show - Season 2! Here’s everything you need to know:
1. Pictures must be at least 4" x 6" or 288 pixels wide by 432 pixels high.
2. Pictures must be of users body from at least the waist up, from knees up are preferred.
3. Pictures must NOT crop any part of the head, hands or arms.
4. Pictures must be taken with either a digital camera, or scanned from a film camera. NO WEBCAMS!
5. Inclusion of a puppet, Muppet plush or prop are encouraged and welcomed.
6. Photo must be relatively recent and a good representation of whom you are.
7. Photos should be expressive and not boring.
8. Please dress acceptably and pose so as well. Nothing received in “poor taste” will be accepted.
9. You may “cover up” your identity with hats, sunglasses, etc.
10. All acceptable photos must be received by Friday, December 15, 2006 by 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
• Only your Muppet Central user name will be used, no personal information will be displayed or shared publicly.
• If you are under 18 and send a photo of yourself, you are acknowledging that you have received permission from your parent or guardian and that Vic Romano has permission to use said photo for the express purposes of the Muppet Central Show 2 only.
• Photos that do not meet the above requirements will be rejected.
• Please include your username along with your photo and put “MCS2” in the subject line of your e-mail to
Upcoming Visuals!
We keep the suspense rolling by giving you a look at not just the next visual, but weeks ahead too!
Next Week: Tune in next Friday, December 22nd to see more Muppets crammed into a visual with Santa hats then ever before for A
Very Merry Muppet Christmas. And then:
December 29, 2006 - Happy New Year 2007
January 5, 2007 - Jim Henson – The Legend
January 12, 2007 – Muppet’s Movie Parody – Mean Girls
High Resolution prints of "A Muppet Family Gathering"
Prints of November 3rd's premiere visual have been made thanks to
Trinity Creatives and are currently in production. Shipping rates are the main hold up at the moment. We are trying to fairly price shipping for the US, Canada, the UK and Austrailia. PLEASE KNOW that this is a priority and very special offers will be er … offered to the first few orders. A separate thread will be made in the “For Sale And Trade” section of the forum hopefully very soon.
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