jacobsnchz said:
Vic, can you make me an avatar of Kermit w/ Piggy? Kind of like Beauregard's Avatar and The Count's. Please!!!!
Sorry, Jacob; it was claimed

Here's what is still available:
- Any Doozer
- Chef
- Hoggle
- Big Bird
- Zoot (I think)
- Lips
- Statler
- Waldorf
- Pops
- Telly
- Boober
- Rizzo
- Sweetums
- Waldo
- Bunsen
- PePe
- Guy Smiley
- Muppet Newsman
- Gobo
- Dr. Teeth
- Elmo
- Digit
- Janice
- Rowlf
- Snuffy
- Sam
- Robin
- Fozzie
There are some characters who have been claimed, but haven't been used yet

If you have a custom avatar and aren't pleased with it or aren't planning to use it, please PM me so that it might be available for someone else.
travellingpat said:
I think eventully you should draw all the muppeteers next to their most famous muppet counterpart (ex. Jim and Kermit, Frank and Bert? or Cookie. or Piggy, Jerry and Floyd) I think that would be very cool
I wanna' thank everyone for their kind words, but please understand that from here on out, you won't be seeing visuals quite like this regularly. This was a special "Return" visual, and while the ones to come in the following weeks will be very fun and entertaining, this will forever be a one of a kind. Most of the upcoming visuals will be photomanipulated.
Also remember to check out all that stuff written after last week's visual in the same post to find out about fun and exciting upcoming opportunities.