Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I love it!!!!! Red Fraggle is my favorite!!!!! I was so excited to see her!!!!! Anyway, great job on another week Vic. Also loved the tributes to Beau and Fozzie, great, great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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that was hilarious Vic! "beaker breaks his meeps" :eek: LOL!!!!! Genius! You are a great artist

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Okay; so in the midst of everything, I thought a little Q & A might be appropriate, even though some of these aren't even questions. So here goes:

I'm curious as to what your other characters looked like [in regards to Bernie and Ert's description of Vic's high school days]!
There are some things that are totally inappropriate for this forum, and the Sesame characters I created in high school are on the top of the list, so that's going to be a no can do. Just think of the most perverted, tasteless, disgusting and raunchiest things you could do to a beloved character and you're still not close to what I did. It really is shameful and another reason why I'm so glad I'm not a teenager anymore.

How DO you do it?!
In reference to all the photo manipulation; Photoshop and an over active imagination that usually keeps me up all night with bad dreams (do you know how annoying it is to be almost thirty and still scared of the dark!?). But in all seriousness; I'm a professional in Photoshop, I have my certification and am qualified to teach it as well. I don't just play around in it, it's how I put bread and butter on the table too!

How many layers did that take to do?! [in reference to the Jerry Juhl tribute]
I'm a layer nut! All my images have MANY layers, but this one in particular had a lot. Along with all the individual characters being on their own layer (so I could move them individually if need be, like I needed to for the homepage), they also have another layer set just below them for their shadows. Their shadows are individually painted rather then given layer effects so that I can control them easier. Add the logo, background(s), text and other random touches and you finish with seventy-seven layers.

Who IS the lion guy? [in reference to the Jerry Juhl tribute]
Along with TMS, SS and FR; Jerry also wrote for The Jim Henson Hour. This is where the White Lion appeared. His most notable role was in the Story Teller's episode; "The True Bride", but he also appeared in the opening segments of the JHH with Jim himself. Rather then have to spend more time masking additional characters like digit or Waldo (as this particular visual was done the night before it premiered and time was limited), I decided the White Lion could represent the cast of the JHH.

[The Jerry Juhl Tribute] must have taken a long time!
Not as long as you'd think :wink: . In creating these, I already have a large list of "prepared" characters that I only have to drop into their proper settings. A little tip to all you aspiring graphic designers... SAVE EVERYTHING!!!

Maybe you can start putting us (members) into the visuals. That would be cool to see us. Give you pictures of us to let you cut or snip into a picture.
ABSOLUTELY! I would LOVE to do this and I think it would be a great way to make MC an even more family fun place. Drop me a PM and we'll discuss putting you in one of the upcoming visuals, I think that'd be very cool indeed!

How do you come up with these?
As I've mentioned before, most of the visuals you've seen were spur the moment things I did before, but others are just the roots of creative inspiration. I'll tip you off though; our Beauregard has been very helpful in the creatioon of some future visuals slated for later this year. In fact, I use Beau as a barometer for most of these well, he's seen almost all of them months before they premiere. But as many of you already know, he's a good friend, and that's why I trust him so.

How hard is it to create one of these every week?
The short answer is; it's very easy, but that's because they're not made once a week. As of this moment, there are enough created visuals to last into January 2006, there's even a schedule; that's how I know what to tell you what to tune in next week for! :excited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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Vic You have a great sence of humor and I look forward to Friday's even more now that you have started to post the art. Its a great thing man.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2002
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was wondering

Vic Romano said:
Okay! So before we start, yer' all gettin' a little bonus visual later today I'll be taking the time to answer some of the questions building up in this thread as well as PMs, IMs and e-mails I've recieved pertaining to the Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals! :smile:
I have one request that I would love to see..both tributes to Jim Henson and Richard Hunt. If you already have them I'd like to see them.:cool:

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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A great plan and already in the works! Plan to see a Jim Henson Tribute on Friday, May 19, 2006 (3 days after the anniversary of his passing) and a Richard Hunt Tribute on Friday, January 6, 2006 (one day before the anniversary of his passing). These will also be desktop wall papers, only massively sized to 1280 x 1024 as well as 1024 x 768. :smile: :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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Vic Romano said:
A great plan and already in the works! Plan to see a Jim Henson Tribute on Friday, May 19, 2006 (3 days after the anniversary of his passing) and a Richard Hunt Tribute on Friday, January 6, 2006 (one day before the anniversary of his passing). These will also be desktop wall papers, only massively sized to 1280 x 1024 as well as 1024 x 768.
How about one for November 10th? :stick_out_tongue: :frown: :grouchy: