One segment listed from the scripts that had me curious now has an image and page: Without People, sung by Big Bird.
"Without People" is a Sesame Street song performed by Big Bird. In a school playground, Big Bird wanders around by himself singing about all the things you can't do without people: singing songs, swinging on swings, and other kinds of special things you can only do with people. At the end of the...
Just seeing how it was listed ("NY Remote #(I forget what number, want to say 43 or 64 or whatever) Without People - Big Bird"), I actually hadn't expected it to be a song. I knew from its listing that it took place on location in New York City (as a lot of segments from season 10 and surrounding seasons), my guess was that Big Bird was downtown imagining a world without people (and maybe the effect being more impressive in an empty downtown area than on the usual street set). I was way off.
Though the description mentions "singing songs" as among the things you can't do without people. Uh, people can sing the song alone.
I think I've talked about this in my thread about the guides made from trusted sources, but ever since the trusted sources have surfaced I hadn't really taken much notice that there had been on-location-in-New-York segments in season 10 and so on. Of course while the wiki's season 10 page mentions them doing segments on location, it's not the first season to have such segments (the segment with Gordon riding a bike premiered in season 9, and of course there's the segments with Kermit interviewing people on location which debuted in season 5, though I guess those are different from these). But when the unknown segments have surfaced in guides before details were known, it's amazing that they follow a title structure, with either "NY" or "NY Remote" and then actually number the segments before the titles. So maybe noting "NY Remote" isn't as odd as a title using a "VTR" or "film" preface, but I don't think the New York segments are really a recurring series, just that many segments happened to be done on location. And yet it's odd that they actually list numbers for them in the scripts (and I think 64 is the highest number I've seen for them - and most seem to be from season 10, so nearly 64 on-location segments in one season?). As far as I know, recurring segments that don't involve numbers aren't numbered in sequential order (though I know from the first season show content files that the first two Answer Lady segments are numbered, and they do number segments that seem to have multiple variations on the same subject, like the F cheer segments). As far as I know, it's not like they note, for examble, "Kermit News #6 Pied Piper" or "Monsterpiece Theater #4 Chariots of Fur".
I know, just another thing I've put too much thought into.