With Cars they really hit a smart point with the merchandise. When it first came out (and even today) It's hard to actually find the cars. I really only wanted George Carlin's VW bug, and I had to buy a 2 piece set for it.
Just so you know, the only reason I said the merchandising for Cars is annoying is because it lasted a lot longer than I expected. Heck, maybe it's not really that bad, now that I think of it...
Though they sadly didn't make one of MaGoo...
Off-topic: I almost forgot a Mr. Magoo movie was made.
Paula Abdul.... she could have been a has been hack from the 80's early 90's (Sorry Clifford) but American Idle came about, and she had the money to produce this. I TOO hope it flops and girls go back to playing with wholesome Barbie (not getting on the subject of America's mixed up values)
I am so glad 4Kids dropped the cartoon show (the best decision that crap company has made in years), but they still poop out those made for DVD hoochie mama propaganda films. Hiding it under the guise of quality entertainment by pretending to have good morals about following your heart. Well, it's the 2 things that are covering that area, year.
I almost forgot Paula was in the movie. I loved her music... but no thanks to American Idol and other reality shows (including her own,
Hey Paula), her image has been reduced to a drugged-up judge who stars in a whacked tween movie. While I understand that she has some (medical, so I heard) reason for acting rather wacky, I suggest she do something not camera- or media-related, so that she doesn't ruin her reputation further.
And so as I said, it helps to NOT know the characters at all. Inspector Gadget could have been a good film, had I not grew up with him, know his every gadget and his disposition and have the creepy desire to donate my body to science so they can put cybernetics into my body. Super Mario brothers (which I liked when I was younger) would have played better had I not put every ounce of my blood sweat and tears playing his video games and made darn well sure I caught every episode of his cartoon series every day.
Obviously, I hadn't quite lived as long as you had (I'm saying this in the best way possible), but it's good advice, I guess.
(LOL, you want to donate your body to science? Creepy, but then again, I remembered wanting my body cybernetically modified with gyro-copters like Gyroman from the classic Megaman series.