Here's the Opening Number:
KERMIT: "Thank you, thank you, and welcome to The Muppet Show. And our guest, tonight, is the entertainer of Comedy, Ed Wynn!"
(Audience applauses.)
KERMIT: "Wait a Minute, it's MISTER Ed Wynn. (mumbles) (speaks clearly) But first!... (audience silences) First, before we have Mr. Wynn, let's hear a song written by Liz Ov Foznowisky."
OPENING NUMBER: The Stampede G Flat MI Sympony
(Liz Ov Foznowisky is Lenny the Lizard dressed in a male tux.)
LENNY: "Thank you, thank you, thank you. And now, I, the great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of Victor Georges Foznowisky, will play a good ol' classic, 'The Stampede Sympony #1'."
(Lenny plays on the piano, left hand: in rhythm, but right hand: out rhythm. 40 seconds later, a Zebra Stampede run through Lenny and the piano.)
STATLER: "That dum lizard is out of rhythm."
WALDORF: "Why so? He's actually of luck!"
(both laugh.)
KERMIT: "OK, nice job, zebras."
(The Zebras stampede to backstage.)
FOZZIE: "Hey Kermit, Kermit? What's this big closing number everyone keeps talking about?"
KERMIT: "Oh, well Fozzie tonight, since Ed Wynn is the guest star, we're going to re-create one of his most famous movie scenes: the "I Love to Laugh" number from Mary Poppins."
FOZZIE: "Oh, the one where everybody's laughing and flying all over the place?"
KERMIT: "That's the one, Fozzie."
FOZZIE: "Mm-hmm. How are you gonna do that?"
KERMIT: "Oh, well Scooter has been working on it all week."
(Scooter enters.)
KERMIT: "Scooter, how's it going?"
SCOOTER: "Great! Terrific! Yeah, we're using suspension wires. Gonzo is testing them now. I think we've got a winner on our hands!"
(Gonzo flies into view, on wires, and crashes into the wall.)
SCOOTER: "Well actually, now that you mention it..."
(Kermit grimaces and walks off. Scooter shrugs, and he and Fozzie both look at the camera.)
Tomorrow I'll make some more.