TMS Outline - Joe Raposo


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
Gorgon Heap inspired me to make this, I'm a huge fan of his TMS outlines so I decided to make my own TMS outline.

Instead of Pops, we see Herry Monster in his place.

Joe Raposo walks in.

Herry: Who are you?

Joe: I’m Joe Raposo, I’m a musician.

Herry: Nice to meet you Mr. Raposo, I hope this won’t sound weird to you but Kermit wanted us to take care of the theater while he and the other Muppets were gone on vacation.

Joe: That’s fine, I’m just glad Kermit is getting the break he rightfully deserves. (walks to his dressing room)

Ernie and Bert opened the door to The Muppet Show sign.

Ernie: It’s The Muppet Show!
Bert: With our very special guest star, Mr. Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYY!

Telly, Bob, Don Music, Hoots, and the Count can be seen in the orchestra pit.

Prairie Dawn, Gladys, the Countess, Little Bird, Betty Lou, Clementine, Grundgetta, Roosevelt Franklin’s Mother: It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to meet the Muppets on The Muppet Show tonight!

Herry Monster, Mr. Johnson, Placido Flamingo, Elmo, Sherlock Hemlock, Harvey Kneeslapper, Little Jerry, Lefty the Salesman, Professor Hastings, Guy Smiley: It’s time to put on makeup, it’s time to dress up right, it’s time to raise the curtain on The Muppet Show tonight!

Oscar can be seen in the balcony box.

Oscar: Why do I always come here? I guess I’ll never know, it’s kind of like a torture, to have to watch the show!

Ernie and Bert: But now let’s get things started on the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational!

The other Muppets: Muppetational! This is what we call The Muppet Show!

Grover can be seen in Gonzo’s spot with a trumpet, and as soon as he blows it, a few notes of the Sesame Street theme play.

Ernie and Bert: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to The Muppet Show!

Ernie: Tonight might seem a little different because Kermit and the other Muppets are on vacation!

Bert: Yes, they are, but anyways, tonight’s guest star is none other than the great musician, Joe Raposo! But first, do you know the name of this song?

David, Bob, Gordon, Susan, Olivia, Luis, and Maria can be seen on the same street set from the Gene Kelly episode.

David: La de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song? La de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song? It goes la de da de dum, La de da de dum, Something something birds, La de da de dum, La de da dee, I wish I remembered the words.

Bob: La de da de dum, la de da de dum, what’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, La de da de dum, I'd like to sing right along! I've heard it said, With words and music, A fellow can't go wrong, So la de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song?
David and Bob: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Susan and Gordon: What’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, la de da de dum, we need the name of that song!

Susan: It goes la de da de dum, la de da de dum, something, something, nice!

Gordon: Yeah!, la de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Susan, Gordon, David, and Bob: I think it repeats itself twice!

Maria: La de da de dum, La de da de dum, what’s the name of that song?
Olivia: La de da de dum, La de da dee, I know the name of that song!
Luis: It's called, now wait.
Gordon: I think I got it!
Luis: Oh, no, I must be wrong.

Gordon, Luis, Susan, Bob, David, Olivia, and Maria: So la de da de dum, la de da de dum, what’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Oscar (From the balcony): What's the name of that song?
The Humans: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.
Oscar: They keep on singing that song! They go, la de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, La de da de dum, la de da de dum, They start it all over again!

The Humans: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

The Count: Something shining above! La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

The Humans: We can't help singing la de da de dum, Loud and clear and strong, But la de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, laa!
Bob: What is the name of that song?
Oscar: Boy, that was garbage!

Ernie: Great job guys!

Bert: Great job!

Big Bird can be seen with Joe Raposo’s luggage.

Big Bird: Where do you want me to put Mr. Raposo’s luggage?

Bert: In his dressing room.

Big Bird: Oh. Thank you!

Bert: Don’t mention it Big Bird!

Ernie: Everything seems to be on track so far, Bert!

Bert: I know! Usually there would be a lot of craziness back here!

Harvey Kneeslapper comes through the canteen doors while laughing hysterically.

Bert: Nevermind then.

Harvey: Wanna see?

Ernie: Wanna see what?

Harvey: You should “C” this! (Harvey places two C’s on Bert and Ernie and leaves the backstage area while laughing like a maniac.)

Bert: Oh brother….. (walks onto the stage) Right now, I would like to introduce the great Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYYY!

Joe can be seen, sitting on a tree trunk with a couple of animals in the background.

Joe: It's not that easy bein' green, Having to spend each day, The color of the leaves, When I think it could be nicer, Bein' red or yellow or gold, Or something much more colorful like that, It's not easy bein' green, It seems you blend in, With so many other ordinary things, And people tend to pass you over, Cause you're not standing out, Like flashy sparkles in the water, Or stars in the sky, But green's the color of spring, And green can be cool and friendly like, And green can be big like an ocean, Or important like a mountain, Or tall like a tree………. When green is all there is to be, It could make you wonder why, But, why wonder? Why wonder?, I'm green and it'll do fine, It's beautiful, and I think it's what I want to be.

Oscar: Joe makes my heart sink…. (he wipes his eyes off with a tissue). What? I wasn’t crying! I was quietly laughing!

Guy Smiley: Here’s a Muppet Newsflash! The animals from the Bein’ Green number have gone rogue from being shot at by hunters, reporters say that they’re headed towards the Muppet newsroom. (Guy Smiley saw the animals heading towards him). AHHHHHHHHH! That is all from Muppet News! Goodnight!

The Swedish Chef theme plays, but instead of seeing the usual kitchen set, we’re at Charlie’s.

Mr. Johnson can be seen at his usual table at Charlie’s.

Grover walks out.

Grover: Hello sir!

Mr. Johnson: Oh no, it’s you again!

Grover: Do not worry sir, I shall be on my best behavior.

Mr. Johnson: Alright, but you better stick with your word.

Grover: What would you like sir?

Mr. Johnson: I’ll take a pepperoni pizza.

Grover: Excellent choice sir, it’ll be out right away. Oh Charlie!

Grover walks into the kitchen and tells Charlie what Mr. Johnson’s order is.

Mr. Johnson: That waiter better not mess up my order.

Grover: Alright sir! Here is your pepperoni pizza!

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Grover: Don’t mention it.

Mr. Johnson looked at the pizza, and he could see that something was wrong.

Mr. Johnson: WAITER!

Grover: Yes sir?

Mr. Johnson: Why is there only one pepperoni on my pizza?

Grover: Sir, did you not say that you wanted a pepperoni pizza?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, but I was expecting more pepperoni!

Grover: Alright, sir, calm down. I shall bring this pizza back to the chef.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Grover comes out with a plate of pepperoni.

Grover: Here you are sir, your pepperoni as requested.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Instead of seeing the pizza, Mr. Johnson saw a plate of pepperoni.

Mr. Johnson: WAITER!

Grover: Yes sir?

Mr. Johnson: Where’s my pizza?

Grover: It’s right there.

Mr. Johnson: Now you listen here, I came in here to get a pepperoni pizza, did I not?

Grover: Yes sir, you did.

Mr. Johnson: And you know what I got instead? A PIZZA WITH ONE PEPPERONI ON IT, AND A PILE OF PEPPERONI ON A PLATE!!!!!!!!

Grover: Please calm down sir, I will take this plate back to Chef Charlie, and he will make your pepperoni pizza as requested.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Just then, Grover’s watch began to go off.

Grover: It’s time for my break!

Grover walked away.

Mr. Johnson: B-but what about my pizza?

As soon as Mr. Johnson said that, he fainted.

Oscar was laughing his pants off.

Oscar: This is hilarious! Now I know why Grouches hate Charlie’s!

Bert: Can someone get Mr. Johnson off the stage please? Thank you.

Luis walked onto the stage and picked up Mr. Johnson.

Ernie: Poor guy……

Bert: He never gets a break.

Ernie: What’s next?

Bert: Well according to the list Kermit gave us, Veterinarians Hospital is next.

Jerry Nelson: And now Veterinarians Hospital, the continuing story of the quack who’s gone to the dogs.

Instead of seeing Rowlf, Janice, and Miss Piggy, we see Dr. Vern, a couple of nurse whatnots, and a whatnot patient in their place.

Dr. Vern: One, wash your hands before you eat
Two, brush your teeth after every meal
Three, see your doctor and your dentist
We all need checkups no matter how good we feel
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health

Four, cover your nose whenever sneezing
Five, cover your mouth when you're coughing too
Six, dress warmly in cold weather
And you won't have much coughing or sneezing to do
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health

Health, oh sweet health
It's worth more than fame or wealth to me
One thing I say a lot:
"Take care of the life you got it's such a precious commodity."

Seven, exercise to keep in shape
Eight, bathe or shower when each day is through
Nine, eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Ten, give your body all the sleep that it's due
Oh how grand we're gonna feel
'Cause we'll keep the
Ten commandments of health
The Ten Commandments of Health!

Oscar: Grouches don’t need to be healthy, they’re supposed to be nasty. Grouches are supposed to get sick!

UK Spot:

Cookie Monster: Now what starts with the letter c?
Cookie starts with c
Let's think of other things that starts with c
Uh ahh who cares about the other things
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
Ohh cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Ohh c is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Ohh, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Hey, you know what
A round cookie with one bite out of it looks like a c
A round donut with one bite out of it also looks like a c,
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a c,
But you can't eat that
So, c is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Ohh, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Yeah, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Oh boy, cookie cookie cookie starts with c

The Count was counting all of the items on Kermit’s desk.

The Count: That’s one, one mug, one, one picture, one, one letter, two, two letters, three, three letters, four, four-

Bert: Count, could you knock it off? Ernie and I are trying to run a show here.

The Count: Of course Bert!

The Count vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

Ernie: I better introduce Joe!

Ernie runs onto the stage.

Ernie: Once again friends, the great Joe Raposo. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Joe can be seen with Don Music, Sherlock Hemlock, Herry Monster, Little Jerry, Luis, Bob, Maria, Susan, Gordon, David, and Olivia

Joe: Sing
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong.
Luis and Maria: Sing of good things, not bad.
Don Music: Sing of happy, not sad.
Little Jerry: Sing
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long!
Herry Monster: Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear.
Bob: Sing
Sing a song.
Everyone: La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la.
Susan and Gordon: Sing
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong.
Sherlock Hemlock: Sing of good things, not bad.
David: Sing of happy, not sad.
Olivia: Sing
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long.
Joe: Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing a song!

Bert and Ernie walk onto the stage.

Bert: I can’t believe the show is over with.

Ernie: Me either, but anyways, we would like to thank our very special guest star, Mr. Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYYY!


Joe walks onto the stage.

Joe: Thank you for letting me on the show Bert and Ernie, I absolutely enjoyed it. It’s a shame Kermit and the other Muppets couldn’t be here, but they needed that vacation.

Ernie: I agree, I hope they’ll get back here safely.

Bert: That’s all the time we have for now, like Kermit would say, WE’LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON THE MUPPET SHOW!!!!


Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover, The Count, Big Bird, Mr. Johnson, Don Music, Harvey Kneeslapper, Luis, Bob, Gordon, David, Olivia, Maria, and Susan gather around Joe Raposo.

Bob, Telly, Don Music, Hoots, and The Count can be seen in the orchestra pit one last time.

Oscar: This show made me miserable. It was beyond garbage.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Gorgon Heap inspired me to make this, I'm a huge fan of his TMS outlines so I decided to make my own TMS outline.

Instead of Pops, we see Herry Monster in his place.

Joe Raposo walks in.

Herry: Who are you?

Joe: I’m Joe Raposo, I’m a musician.

Herry: Nice to meet you Mr. Raposo, I hope this won’t sound weird to you but Kermit wanted us to take care of the theater while he and the other Muppets were gone on vacation.

Joe: That’s fine, I’m just glad Kermit is getting the break he rightfully deserves. (walks to his dressing room)

Ernie and Bert opened the door to The Muppet Show sign.

Ernie: It’s The Muppet Show!
Bert: With our very special guest star, Mr. Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYY!

Telly, Bob, Don Music, Hoots, and the Count can be seen in the orchestra pit.

Prairie Dawn, Gladys, the Countess, Little Bird, Betty Lou, Clementine, Grundgetta, Roosevelt Franklin’s Mother: It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to meet the Muppets on The Muppet Show tonight!

Herry Monster, Mr. Johnson, Placido Flamingo, Elmo, Sherlock Hemlock, Harvey Kneeslapper, Little Jerry, Lefty the Salesman, Professor Hastings, Guy Smiley: It’s time to put on makeup, it’s time to dress up right, it’s time to raise the curtain on The Muppet Show tonight!

Oscar can be seen in the balcony box.

Oscar: Why do I always come here? I guess I’ll never know, it’s kind of like a torture, to have to watch the show!

Ernie and Bert: But now let’s get things started on the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational!

The other Muppets: Muppetational! This is what we call The Muppet Show!

Grover can be seen in Gonzo’s spot with a trumpet, and as soon as he blows it, a few notes of the Sesame Street theme play.

Ernie and Bert: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to The Muppet Show!

Ernie: Tonight might seem a little different because Kermit and the other Muppets are on vacation!

Bert: Yes, they are, but anyways, tonight’s guest star is none other than the great musician, Joe Raposo! But first, do you know the name of this song?

David, Bob, Gordon, Susan, Olivia, Luis, and Maria can be seen on the same street set from the Gene Kelly episode.

David: La de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song? La de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song? It goes la de da de dum, La de da de dum, Something something birds, La de da de dum, La de da dee, I wish I remembered the words.

Bob: La de da de dum, la de da de dum, what’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, La de da de dum, I'd like to sing right along! I've heard it said, With words and music, A fellow can't go wrong, So la de da de dum, La de da de dum, What's the name of that song?
David and Bob: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Susan and Gordon: What’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, la de da de dum, we need the name of that song!

Susan: It goes la de da de dum, la de da de dum, something, something, nice!

Gordon: Yeah!, la de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Susan, Gordon, David, and Bob: I think it repeats itself twice!

Maria: La de da de dum, La de da de dum, what’s the name of that song?
Olivia: La de da de dum, La de da dee, I know the name of that song!
Luis: It's called, now wait.
Gordon: I think I got it!
Luis: Oh, no, I must be wrong.

Gordon, Luis, Susan, Bob, David, Olivia, and Maria: So la de da de dum, la de da de dum, what’s the name of that song? La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

Oscar (From the balcony): What's the name of that song?
The Humans: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.
Oscar: They keep on singing that song! They go, la de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, La de da de dum, la de da de dum, They start it all over again!

The Humans: La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

The Count: Something shining above! La de da de dum, la de da de dum.

The Humans: We can't help singing la de da de dum, Loud and clear and strong, But la de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, la de da de dum, La de da de dum, laa!
Bob: What is the name of that song?
Oscar: Boy, that was garbage!

Ernie: Great job guys!

Bert: Great job!

Big Bird can be seen with Joe Raposo’s luggage.

Big Bird: Where do you want me to put Mr. Raposo’s luggage?

Bert: In his dressing room.

Big Bird: Oh. Thank you!

Bert: Don’t mention it Big Bird!

Ernie: Everything seems to be on track so far, Bert!

Bert: I know! Usually there would be a lot of craziness back here!

Harvey Kneeslapper comes through the canteen doors while laughing hysterically.

Bert: Nevermind then.

Harvey: Wanna see?

Ernie: Wanna see what?

Harvey: You should “C” this! (Harvey places two C’s on Bert and Ernie and leaves the backstage area while laughing like a maniac.)

Bert: Oh brother….. (walks onto the stage) Right now, I would like to introduce the great Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYYY!

Joe can be seen, sitting on a tree trunk with a couple of animals in the background.

Joe: It's not that easy bein' green, Having to spend each day, The color of the leaves, When I think it could be nicer, Bein' red or yellow or gold, Or something much more colorful like that, It's not easy bein' green, It seems you blend in, With so many other ordinary things, And people tend to pass you over, Cause you're not standing out, Like flashy sparkles in the water, Or stars in the sky, But green's the color of spring, And green can be cool and friendly like, And green can be big like an ocean, Or important like a mountain, Or tall like a tree………. When green is all there is to be, It could make you wonder why, But, why wonder? Why wonder?, I'm green and it'll do fine, It's beautiful, and I think it's what I want to be.

Oscar: Joe makes my heart sink…. (he wipes his eyes off with a tissue). What? I wasn’t crying! I was quietly laughing!

Guy Smiley: Here’s a Muppet Newsflash! The animals from the Bein’ Green number have gone rogue from being shot at by hunters, reporters say that they’re headed towards the Muppet newsroom. (Guy Smiley saw the animals heading towards him). AHHHHHHHHH! That is all from Muppet News! Goodnight!

The Swedish Chef theme plays, but instead of seeing the usual kitchen set, we’re at Charlie’s.

Mr. Johnson can be seen at his usual table at Charlie’s.

Grover walks out.

Grover: Hello sir!

Mr. Johnson: Oh no, it’s you again!

Grover: Do not worry sir, I shall be on my best behavior.

Mr. Johnson: Alright, but you better stick with your word.

Grover: What would you like sir?

Mr. Johnson: I’ll take a pepperoni pizza.

Grover: Excellent choice sir, it’ll be out right away. Oh Charlie!

Grover walks into the kitchen and tells Charlie what Mr. Johnson’s order is.

Mr. Johnson: That waiter better not mess up my order.

Grover: Alright sir! Here is your pepperoni pizza!

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Grover: Don’t mention it.

Mr. Johnson looked at the pizza, and he could see that something was wrong.

Mr. Johnson: WAITER!

Grover: Yes sir?

Mr. Johnson: Why is there only one pepperoni on my pizza?

Grover: Sir, did you not say that you wanted a pepperoni pizza?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, but I was expecting more pepperoni!

Grover: Alright, sir, calm down. I shall bring this pizza back to the chef.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Grover comes out with a plate of pepperoni.

Grover: Here you are sir, your pepperoni as requested.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Instead of seeing the pizza, Mr. Johnson saw a plate of pepperoni.

Mr. Johnson: WAITER!

Grover: Yes sir?

Mr. Johnson: Where’s my pizza?

Grover: It’s right there.

Mr. Johnson: Now you listen here, I came in here to get a pepperoni pizza, did I not?

Grover: Yes sir, you did.

Mr. Johnson: And you know what I got instead? A PIZZA WITH ONE PEPPERONI ON IT, AND A PILE OF PEPPERONI ON A PLATE!!!!!!!!

Grover: Please calm down sir, I will take this plate back to Chef Charlie, and he will make your pepperoni pizza as requested.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you.

Just then, Grover’s watch began to go off.

Grover: It’s time for my break!

Grover walked away.

Mr. Johnson: B-but what about my pizza?

As soon as Mr. Johnson said that, he fainted.

Oscar was laughing his pants off.

Oscar: This is hilarious! Now I know why Grouches hate Charlie’s!

Bert: Can someone get Mr. Johnson off the stage please? Thank you.

Luis walked onto the stage and picked up Mr. Johnson.

Ernie: Poor guy……

Bert: He never gets a break.

Ernie: What’s next?

Bert: Well according to the list Kermit gave us, Veterinarians Hospital is next.

Jerry Nelson: And now Veterinarians Hospital, the continuing story of the quack who’s gone to the dogs.

Instead of seeing Rowlf, Janice, and Miss Piggy, we see Dr. Vern, a couple of nurse whatnots, and a whatnot patient in their place.

Dr. Vern: One, wash your hands before you eat
Two, brush your teeth after every meal
Three, see your doctor and your dentist
We all need checkups no matter how good we feel
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health

Four, cover your nose whenever sneezing
Five, cover your mouth when you're coughing too
Six, dress warmly in cold weather
And you won't have much coughing or sneezing to do
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health

Health, oh sweet health
It's worth more than fame or wealth to me
One thing I say a lot:
"Take care of the life you got it's such a precious commodity."

Seven, exercise to keep in shape
Eight, bathe or shower when each day is through
Nine, eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Ten, give your body all the sleep that it's due
Oh how grand we're gonna feel
'Cause we'll keep the
Ten commandments of health
The Ten Commandments of Health!

Oscar: Grouches don’t need to be healthy, they’re supposed to be nasty. Grouches are supposed to get sick!

UK Spot:

Cookie Monster: Now what starts with the letter c?
Cookie starts with c
Let's think of other things that starts with c
Uh ahh who cares about the other things
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
Ohh cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Ohh c is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Ohh, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Hey, you know what
A round cookie with one bite out of it looks like a c
A round donut with one bite out of it also looks like a c,
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a c,
But you can't eat that
So, c is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Ohh, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Yeah, cookie cookie cookie starts with c
Oh boy, cookie cookie cookie starts with c

The Count was counting all of the items on Kermit’s desk.

The Count: That’s one, one mug, one, one picture, one, one letter, two, two letters, three, three letters, four, four-

Bert: Count, could you knock it off? Ernie and I are trying to run a show here.

The Count: Of course Bert!

The Count vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

Ernie: I better introduce Joe!

Ernie runs onto the stage.

Ernie: Once again friends, the great Joe Raposo. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Joe can be seen with Don Music, Sherlock Hemlock, Herry Monster, Little Jerry, Luis, Bob, Maria, Susan, Gordon, David, and Olivia

Joe: Sing
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong.
Luis and Maria: Sing of good things, not bad.
Don Music: Sing of happy, not sad.
Little Jerry: Sing
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long!
Herry Monster: Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear.
Bob: Sing
Sing a song.
Everyone: La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la.
Susan and Gordon: Sing
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong.
Sherlock Hemlock: Sing of good things, not bad.
David: Sing of happy, not sad.
Olivia: Sing
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long.
Joe: Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing a song!

Bert and Ernie walk onto the stage.

Bert: I can’t believe the show is over with.

Ernie: Me either, but anyways, we would like to thank our very special guest star, Mr. Joe Raposo! YAYYYYYYY!


Joe walks onto the stage.

Joe: Thank you for letting me on the show Bert and Ernie, I absolutely enjoyed it. It’s a shame Kermit and the other Muppets couldn’t be here, but they needed that vacation.

Ernie: I agree, I hope they’ll get back here safely.

Bert: That’s all the time we have for now, like Kermit would say, WE’LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON THE MUPPET SHOW!!!!


Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover, The Count, Big Bird, Mr. Johnson, Don Music, Harvey Kneeslapper, Luis, Bob, Gordon, David, Olivia, Maria, and Susan gather around Joe Raposo.

Bob, Telly, Don Music, Hoots, and The Count can be seen in the orchestra pit one last time.

Oscar: This show made me miserable. It was beyond garbage.
Really good. A TMS ep without the TMS Muppets. Next we'll probably see the TMS Muppets on the set of "Sesame Street" maybe with guest star Jerry Juhl or something or maybe "Pepe's World." Who knows?


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
Really good. A TMS ep without the TMS Muppets. Next we'll probably see the TMS Muppets on the set of "Sesame Street" maybe with guest star Jerry Juhl or something or maybe "Pepe's World." Who knows?
Thank you! And honestly, that's not a bad idea lol