anyone know if all 15 are still available?? or is it just the last five??
hardly seems worth it now to just get the last five.. i've got most of the series on vhs from back when it was on Nick/Disney. there's really only a few of the episodes they had in this series that i didn't have, which was part of why i'd been putting getting them in the first place... didn't seem worth it if they were later going to put out the whole series and i'd have to buy them again (especially when i knew i'd need the money for the palisades line..*sigh* i hate being poor.. means ya have to pick and choose..)
i did find the deal for tapes 11-15, finally.. and we might go ahead and get them.. but.. if we do, we'd really like to get 1-10 as well...
maybe we'll end up having to trade our two spare zoots for em or something....hehee