WatchMojo sucks.
I used to like them. Now, their recent videos.... Ehhhh.
I know right. WatchMojo has been a little too opinionated recently. Take this video for example:
Isn't "crossing the line" kind of a personal preference thing as opposed to a fact. What's "offensive" to one person may be hilarious to the next. Trust me, for every person that's offended by these scenes there's always another who loves the show with a passion and has never missed an episode. I, for one, love most of these skits that were included on the list. The only one I even thought was the least bit bad was the Michael J. Fox one and even that wasn't anything absolutely terrible (Michael has even made fun of his OWN disability before). Honestly, considering they've done nothing but praise Family Guy in the past for being "dark" and "edgy" this list seems pretty hypocritical on WatchMojo's part if you ask me. One day they brag about how daring this show is and then all of a sudden they treat it like some sort of abomination.........yeah, that's a little fishy. I was shocked to see the Jesus episode on this list because I'm pretty sure they listed that one as NUMBER ONE on the best Family Guy episodes list and now they are trying to say that it crossed a line, I find that hard to believe. So yeah, the bottom line is:Making lists about the top 10 times a TV show "went too far" reeks of desperation. They've previously included pretty much all of these moments on there "Top 10 Favorite Family Guy Clips" list as well so this is obviously just them trying to get views and nothing else.