The... -wait fer it-... "What made you laugh today?" Thread


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Dec 7, 2003
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I was over at a family member's house some months ago, and one of their cats decided that they were so happy to see me, they literally flopped on my feet, and looked at me while purring loudly. Made me laugh pretty hard. They looked at me as if to say "Well, hello there Nate!!! How ya doing?" I shake my head and laugh every time I think about it. Most cats are very friendly in my family. Most are natural lap cats, and I've had some come up to me begging me to rub their tummy, which in my view is extremely adorable.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Reading HTF fanon episodes. I absolutely love those! The fan made episodes of HTF are HILARIOUS. Sometimes even funnier than Family Guy in recent seasons (I still can't get over the fact that they made a Sandy Hook school shooting joke. It's been kind of hard for me to watch any FG episode after season 12 upon seeing that. Now I only watch it whenever I hear word of a new Muppet/Sesame Street reference from FG on this forum/Muppet wiki *rolls eyes*). But anywhoo, these "episodes" are extremely weird, crazy, and funny. They combine many different styles of humor including slapstick, toilet humor, dark humor, puns, innuendos, adult humor, pop culture references, parental bonuses, parodies, etc. and other hilarious things without bringing sensitive topics like politics, religion, and racial tension into it. A satirical show that ISN'T offensive or preachy? Who knew that exists!

Don't tell Giggles but her villainous doppleganger looks kind of snuggly, lol.
Almost like a mix between a Neopet and the gummy bear from Robot Chicken. These short stories know how to crack me up in more ways than one BUT when it comes to comedy cartoons, no show I've seen can compete with the early seasons of The Simpsons and Family Guy, the entirety of Bob's Burgers, or the old Looney tunes and Tom and Jerry shorts in terms of consistently making me laugh out loud (I would say Robot Chicken, but it's not technically a cartoon. The characters are mostly puppets and dolls aside from the Yellow Submarine skit, the Yogi Bear one, the old arcade game skits, and the Rock and Bullwinkle one.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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One of the HTF fanon characters by the name of Ez was recently killed off permanently so I decided to read all of the episodes written about him and surprisingly they were pretty darn funny. Ez is a supposed to be a perverted skunk who loves Petunia a little too much for his own good so I thought it would be like if Quagmire got his own show. But actually, there wasn't any awkward or perverted humor in these stories and that's the right way to go in my opinion. The thing that differentiates Ez from all of Petunia's other secret admirers is that he has a serious thing about her belly. He always either inflates Petunia, stuffs her with food, or rubs her tummy in front of everyone in the room every time they hang out. Poor little Petunia ends up being larger than the house every time she hangs out with this weird kid. How does she still enjoy his company? I'd get sick of constantly feeling like I can barely move just because of my Quagmirish friend. But anyway from now on, every Thursday will become "HTF Themed Reading Day" for me which will be a tradition where I read fanon episodes with a certain theme. Themes could possibly include any episode involving video games, time travel, insects, food, Christmas, etc. Any theme that I see fit. I can't wait to make this an established tradition next week, :smile:.
BTW, I kind of agree with Ez, Petunia's cute when she's big like that. But I wouldn't constantly do that to somebody I love. Personally, I believe Ez didn't actually love Petunia, he lusted over her (there's a HUGE difference, no pun intended).

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I was at the local theater and a kid said that 1visualfxguy was a horror channel. I don't know what video he was watching but I've never intended 1visualfxguy to be scary. There is certainly some dark humor, weird creatures, and satiric references to horror films but 1visualfxguy is and always will be a comedy. Maybe this kid just doesn't understand the concept of Itchy and Scratchy-style splatter comedy yet, because that's the worst of the "scary" stuff on 1visualfxguy. If somebody watched 1visualfxguy for shivers rather than giggles, I'd question what unusual phobias they have, lol! If anything it's a channel for people who like to laugh at scary things because it treats them in a silly manner. Hardcore horror fans that take themselves WAY too seriously wouldn't enjoy seeing their favorite monsters, demons, and serial killers act like Johnny Knoxville and the guys from Jacka**, I can say that much! I have a friend who likes both horror and 1visualfxguy for the simple reason of:she doesn't mind having a good laugh about her fandoms every once in a while.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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So, a couple of friends and I were having a debate over a line in a rap song. I won't go into too many details (since the lyric is rather adult-content based in nature) but, I downloaded the song today when we found out we were all wrong over what the lyric was but, what had me rolling (and what made my one friend, my big brother figure laugh especially), was that in the song the rapper, Young M.A. says something along the lines of "...we in these streets more than Sesame" and, it's no secret to my friends that I'm a huge Muppet fan and, my big bro thought I'd downloaded the song literally for only that line :laugh:

No, I really downloaded it to try and prove I was correct over the other lyric but still, gave me a huge laugh and made me smile :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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So, a couple of friends and I were having a debate over a line in a rap song. I won't go into too many details (since the lyric is rather adult-content based in nature) but, I downloaded the song today when we found out we were all wrong over what the lyric was but, what had me rolling (and what made my one friend, my big brother figure laugh especially), was that in the song the rapper, Young M.A. says something along the lines of "...we in these streets more than Sesame" and, it's no secret to my friends that I'm a huge Muppet fan and, my big bro thought I'd downloaded the song literally for only that line :laugh:

No, I really downloaded it to try and prove I was correct over the other lyric but still, gave me a huge laugh and made me smile :big_grin:

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Rewatching the old episodes of MAD and noticing how many adult references I didn't pick up on as a child, lol.