subject of trilogies
here are some of my opinions on(please respect),some trilogies discussed in this thread,as well as my top 10 movies(mostly naming sci-fi/fantasy(I could list more but just listing 10 right now,hmm I'll add a bonus,hmm 2,lol).
The Muppet Movie-fav.
TGMC-its ok,I like the music better than the movie,honestly
TMTManhatten-haven't been able to get into it
Back to the Future-first,watched it 23 times in the theater
Back to the Future 2-not good
Back to the Future 3-good
Jaws-first loved it,watch it so many times
Jaws2-it was good,not as good as 1
Jaws3(3d)-just watched it for the 3d(as little as there was),could've been better written
Jaws4-why was it made?
Die Hard-love the movie,dislike the dialog(weak),good casting,great pyro of building
Die Hard2-didn't like it
Die Hard3-I love the tie-in with Simon & Hans(though predictable),took me awhile to figure out jug puzzle(now I get it),I love Jeremy Irons & his female sidkick
Godfather I & II-fav. movies,I've learned so much about life from these 2(try to find the Saga version,chron. time of Godfather I & II in order)
Godfather III-no comment,I've tried to justify it,I just can't
Indy Jones ROTLA-fav.,still watch it at least once a month
Indy Jones TOD-not bad,plot line could have been stronger
Indy Jones LC-only part that bores me is the opening with the scouts,then gets better with the cut to Indy on the ship
Batman-the first with Jack as the Joker,great choice
Batman Returns-kinda weak with script,but good casting(MP trashing her appt. & her scene with the Penguin/the rainbow bird)
Batman & Robin-why? Arnold as Freeze(no comment) I did love Uma as Poison Ivy
Neverending Story-first was fav.,wish creators could CGI anim. puppets(like Spielberg did to E.T.,just to see how it would look)
NS 2-bad idea,with memories being taken away,weak script
NE3-didn't see it
Star Wars-I liked New Hope,Empire & Jedi disliked AOTC<coughing>Jar Jar
I'm also wondering,if there will be a third Ghostbusters movie?
Ok,now some of my fav. movies

not in any order)
1)Young Frankenstein(classic)
2)Freaks(Tod Browning,scared me at first,now I appreciate & love it)
3)Wizard of Oz(fav. from childhood)
4)The Rocky Horror Picture Show(help me become extroverted/break out of my shell)
5)Godfather I & II(tied)
6)Metropolis(Fritz Lang)(I found the robot figure at Toys R Us,yayyyy,looking at it right now/its on my comp. desk)
7)Poltergeist(love the book,its such a great movie,my & roomate's fav.)
8)Jaws(my roomate & I watch this so much,lol)
9)Airplane(watched this over my Grandfather's house as a kid,hilarious)
10)Sleuth(Caine & Olivier,try to find this if you can)
Blade Runner:Just for its visualization alone is worth mentioning
City of Lost Children:very dark,but its so good,has a Fritz Lang quality to it
I agree highly with Toys(glad I'm not the only one who likes it).Its visually astounding,very innovative;I love the soundtrack too.
Does anyone like Hook?I thought it was good.