The Sesame Street Library Video Collection Volume 8

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(The title appears on screen, scrolling up off-screen as "Volume 8" scrolls on-screen)

(Big Bird is standing outside of Hooper's Store. He then notices the audience)
Big Bird: Oh, hi. I am waiting for Looper's Store to open. I hope that it opens soon, because I am hungry.
(Mr. Hooper shows up)
Big Bird: Oh, good morning, Mr. Looper...
Mr. Hooper: (correcting) Hopper! Hooper!
Big Bird: Right. Well, I am hungry.
Mr. Hooper: Well, then, I've just got to unlock the store and get your breakfast ready.
Big Bird: Oh, thanks.

(cut to the following sketches: Hey Food, Kermit demonstrates between, jazzy shapes, and the skit where two anything muppets draw shapes on-screen)

(Bob is in the arbor area, with a group of kids)
Bob: Today, we are going to learn about shapes.
Kids: Yay!
Bob: (getting out a picture of a square) Now, do any of you know what this is?
Kid #1: It's a square.
Bob: That's right, it's a square. Did you know that this here box is also shaped like a square?
Kid #1: No.
Bob: Well, it is. (gets out another picture) Now, do you know what this is?
Kid #1: It's also a square.
Bob: No, it's not a square. It's a rectangle.
Kid #1: A rectangle?
Kid #2: What's that?
Kid #3: Yeah.
Bob: Well, here's Kermit the Frog to tell us.

(cut to Kermit's rectangle lecture)

Bob: This is a triangle. It's got three points on each side. (picks up a slice of pizza) This pizza slice is like a triangle. (puts on a hat made out of a newspaper) This hat is also like a triangle. (takes out the last picture) And this is a circle.
Kids: Ooohh....

(cut to: Circles and the circles film from the pitch reel)

Bob: Circles are round, just like this ball. (holds up a baseball)

(cut to Kermit's round things lecture)

Bob: A circle can also look like a zero or it can look like an O.

(cut to: Would You Like to Buy an O?)

Bob: Another great O letter is osctopus, and here is an octopus right now.

(cut to: Octopuses Garden)

Big Bird: Wow! That octopus had 8 legs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 legs! And here are some more things involving the number 8!

(cut to: Mad Painter #8, King of 8, Song of 8, Lefty attempting to sell Ernie an 8, Candy Man, Jazz #8, and Ernie's sandbox game)

Oscar: I've had a great breakfast.
Maria: Really? What did you have?
Oscar: I had peppered pickled pudding pizza.
Maria: Oh, Oscar, that's gross...
Oscar: I knew you'd say that.
Maria: But all those things begin with the letter P.
Oscar: (sighing) I also knew you'd say that.

(cut to: Sesame Street News: Peter Pipers Family, The King Banishes the Letter P, and Typewriter Guy: P)

(David and Maria are sitting at the arbor area)
David: Hey, there.
Maria: We are looking through David's old family photo album.
David: This is a good way for me to relive memories of my family. There's a picture of me as a baby, and a picture of me as an 8 year old.
Maria: Isn't that your father?
David: Yes, and the lady standing next to him is my mother.
Maria: Oh.
David: And there's my uncle, my grandparents, and my cousins.
Maria: Wow.

(cut to the following skits: Ernie keeps Bert outside the apartment so he can give him a surprise party, The Garden Song, That's About the Size of It, The Fisherman Song, The Question Song, and the cartoon where a man uses a Q as a hatrack)

Big Bird: Well, as you've probably figured out by now, Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letters O, P, and Q, and by the number 8. And boy am I glad that I ate.