I used to give girls the wrong address because I didn't want to receive Valentine's Day cards.
Maybe that's why I don't have a girlfriend now. Lol!
Gr, Rax
Well no that wouldn't help, hehe. Still, there's always next time!
I was just watching the Linda Carter episode of the Muppet Show where everyone dresses up like super heroes. A couple things I noticed, there's the part where Lew Zealand tries to see through the stageroom door using X-ray vision. Fozzie ends up swinging and crashing through the door. Following the crash, Lew mistakenly decides, "Yay! I saw through the door! I have X-ray vision.!" Though this is clearly untrue, we see Scooter looks up at the chaos, eagerly nodding in agreement lol.
Then another scene where everyone's on top of a ladder about to attempt flying. All except Scooter, who's safely at the bottom of the ladder reading the instruction manual. Scooter reads off the fanciful instructions, at which point everyone prepares to fly...only to fall flat on their faces!
In both cases, I can't help but think of Scooter being the guy who's eager to please and perhaps even brown nose a bit, hehe, but still keeps himself far from harm's way. Hehe