Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Ah, yes...the famous photo of a boy and his Muppet. Or is it a Muppet and his boy? Well done, Devco, nice rendering.

I've been a little AWOL 'cause commencement stuff is underway (the big ceremony is on Sunday), plus I've been working on another project.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Oh, sure! :smile:

Let's see, off the top of my head, some of my absolute faves besides the ones you listed are: Rama Lama Ding Dong and Six String Orchestra (both songs are in the Mark Hamill episode of TMS), any Don Music song (like Mary Had a Bicycle), Letter B (sung on SS by the Beetles), Dream Girl Lover and How Wide, How Far, How Long (both sung by Junior Gorg on Fraggle Rock... and really, any Junior Gorg song is great!), Free and High (sung by a Richard character, the Magical Spider-Fly, in a duet with Wembley on Fraggle Rock), Rockin' Robin (sung by Janice and the Electric Mayhem), Proud to Be A Cow (sung by Gladys the Cow on SS), The Peace Carol (a Christmas song sung by Scooter and John Denver on John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together album). Rev (sung on Fraggle Rock) is another great one, too! Hmmm....

Let's see, that's all I can think of right now from memory. Placido Flamingo songs are always so much fun, too, but I'm having a bit of trouble right now thinking of specific names of his songs. But I'm sure others will have really great ideas, too! Their memories are better than mine are, lol! :wink: And I hope this helped you a little bit, Mr Devco! :smile:
You mean this wasn't a big enough list for you?

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Let's see...

It'd be nice if you could get a hold of a recording of "Just One Person," as done at Jim's memorial, 'cause Scooter (and by extension, Richard) is the one leading everyone off.

Other tunes:

"What a Funny World It Is" (sung by Beige in "Fraggle Wars")
"Do You Want It?" (The Mean Genie)
Any number with Philo and Gunge on it
"At the Hop" (Scooter, on the Teresa Brewer ep. of TMS)
Any tune with Wayne and Wanda

And we all know what today in peace, Jim.