YAY FOR RICHARD!!! *throws a bunch of orange and yellow confetti in the air, and watches it flutter down onto the ground.*
WHOO! Yay for the club! Yay for you guys! And infinate YAY for Richard Hunt!
Had another dream you guys. It's been awhile.
I was sitting at a table, messing around with my puppet Tina; and somebody came over, and handed me a Sadie puppet. (For those who don't know, Sadie is Scooter/Skeeter's mother in my Muppet Novel.) I couldn't see the man, it seemed he was a shadow of some sort. His voice was clearly Richard's, but when I tried to say his name, it wouldn't come out. I couldn't say his name!
He patted the puppet, and asked if I would go ahead, and try to speak with it. Make it move, give it life. So I did, and I saw Karen Prell come up beside me, with an Adult Skeeter puppet on her arm, and we started to have a converstation with each other, through the puppets. Richard leaned over, and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, then a hug around the shoulders and told me I would do wonderful as Sadie. And that he wished me good luck on it.
Then he was gone, and I saw a young man (I assumed was Rickey Boyd.) Walking up to me, with Adult Scooter on his arm as well, and he picked up on the converstation, with Skeeter and Sadie, and then it kinda faded into nothingness.
It was a nice, yet surreal dream.