That's good! Whew! Anyway, since the Henson show I first watched was Fraggle Rock, I wanted to hide from Junior Gorg, but I got to love Gunge with Philo "The all-knowing Trash Heap! Nyeahhhh!" There was no way to be scared of Gunge. Today, I am not scared of Junior as I was a long time ago.
Sesame Street - Hmmm! This might be the second show I seen on television. There was Gladys the Cow, Forgetful Jones (who doesn't like the Oklahoma sketch when he sang eeee, then aaaaa, well. gee he forgot that it was ooooooklahoma... that sketch always made me laugh), Don Music (the paino player that tries a song and then bangs his head on the piano). I mean we all get fruatrated like him where come up with a song for a Muppet to sing and at the last minute we feel like banging our heads to a table just because we said some words that Don Music would say... I'll never ever get this right! NEVER! And then there is Placidio Flammingo! I had a feeling Hunt spent more time on SS than any other show.
I have read that Nelson tried performing Elmo for once and that was a failure, then Hunt took over the character, but it still wasn't right either. So, Hunt threw the Elmo puppet to Clash.
Muppet Show - I have never ever seen this show for years. First, I kind of came to Muppet Central Forum and I was so new to the site. Then, I read some fanfics and it mentioned Scooter. I thought, "Who is Scooter?" So, then I went to YouTube and I found out that not only did he perform Scooter, he was Statler, some Muppet Whatnots, a Gills Brother, anything
Whew! That is all I can tell about Richard Hunt.
Well, this is my first time being in this club and i can't wait what this thread will bring.