She made
Nah, I don't know Emmy. She's been really busy lately. Maybe Jackie has some references.
Anyway, here's the letter. Of course, if Steve ever goes on here, now he knows my username.
Dear Steve Whitmire,
Hello, Mr. Whitmire. My name’s Marianne, and I'm (age) years old. Pro’ly the only (age) year old die-hard Muppet fan in the tri-state area. Just looked up the definition of “tri-state area”. Very interesting.
I know you’re really, really busy, and probably get all sorts of fan mail every day, so I completely understand if you don’t respond, or even read this letter. Of course, the fact that I understand if you do not read this letter means nothing right now, because if you’ve gotten this far, you’ve already technically read the letter. Catch 22. Sorry.
I just wanted to tell you that you’re really one of the most awesome, talented Muppeteers. The way you picked up Kermit like that really took a lot, and you’re doing a really, really great job. And Beaker and Ernie too. (By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, how do you do Beaker’s voice? Do you inhale while you speak? I read that, but every time I try it, I cough up my tongue. But I digress.) My personal favorite of yours is Rizzo. He’s just so loveable and cultured yet…so disgusting. Loved your part in Muppets 3D too. Waldo, man. Good stuff. Great job in Muppets From Space, by the way. Even the commentary was a piece of art. Love Rizzo’s little “What a freak-o” at your cameo. ;-) (By the way, Ray Liotta’s middle name is Julian. So it’s…almost kind of like Lee. Jul-LEE-an. Ray Lee Liotta. Bystanders think I’m insane cause every time I hear Ray Liotta’s name, I go into a long Ray Lee Lee Ray Lee Liotta banter. And I just digressed again.)
I just wanted to drop a letter to tell you that you’re really talented, puppeteering, voices, delivery of lines, just everything, and to keep up the good work. And also that an autograph would be really cool. I could send along a SASE if that makes things easier. But if you’re too busy, again, I really understand. Thanks for all the joy and inspiration and stuff.
Much appreciated,
Marianne (Last name, age, address, bla bla bla)
P.S. If you know what’s good for you, do not go anywhere NEAR S.W.A.E.H.B on Muppet Central. Better not let your wife or any of your acquaintances go either. God help you if you already have. Better stay away from the RHLC too. You’re mentioned a few times there…you know, better just stay away from Muppet Central in general. There are some crazies on there. *Raises hand*